"Brown Goo" on Frogbit Roots ?


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2020
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Any idea what is this
Yesterday I watch some Aquarist @Youtube.
And then I found one of the YouTuber has a really good looking Frogbit, and then I realise my Frogbit is a Lil bit different.

Her Amazon Frogbit has a really long & clear White while mine have short roots (probably time matters) and brown fuzzy on Roots, Looks like Algae to me. Anything should be considered or it's fine?
How long have you had the frogbit for? Do you use liquid ferts? Is the flow too fast?
I dont think so.. I use Sponge Filter in a Low Air pump Settings. And the air pump is at other side. I dont use any fert in this tank.
What size tank is it? Looks like a collection of mulm on the roots tbh, might need to throw another sponge filter in there or get a bigger one? Do you have any snails?
No i dont have any snail, and the tank size is 66 Gal with sponge filter size BF-4, it said for 380 litre..., but i do have shrimps. Probably around 20-30
Id say its just a collection of mulm, nothing to worry about but if you dont like the look of it, then i think you would need to look at adding an extra filter. You should always over filter, especially when you're borderline the spec.
For example I have a 200l tank, and minimum filtration would be around 600 litres per hour, however my canister runs at 1400 litres per hour.
Someone may be able to advise whether snails would help, I kind of think that they would.
What fish do you have in there?
I had this on my Salvinia in my 10g tank. It will not hurst your fish.

If you don't like it, I would get a bigger/better filter. (Aka one with more GPH rating)
Ahh okay. I dont really mind how its looks like. I just have to make sure if that thing might be bad for the aquarium. Looks like nothing to worry about, thank guys! :X :fish:

10 Congo Tetra , 9 Albino Corys, and Shrimp. :fish:
Its organics that have collected in there and algae. You could swish them around in a bucket of water when you do your water changes. Trimming the roots to about 2cm will make them grow faster and you should add liquid ferts. I added 2 airstones to my tank to ensure there is some movement around the roots. If you don't let it get out of hand your cories and shrimps will soon be keeping them clean for you.

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