Brown spots on plant


New Member
Feb 17, 2013
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Hi, I purchased a new plant two weeks ago, however it appears to be developing brown spots. I’m not sure if this is normal for this type of plant but wanted to check (photo attached). I currently have the aquarium light on for 4 hours a day, have a canister filter and run a bubble wall for about an hour a day to provide additional surface movement alongside the filter. I’ve also been adding API Leaf Zone to the tank on a weekly basis. Thanks!
That looks like the variety of sword plant that has mottled leaves. But it might also be a problem. What name did they give for this plant, that might help us. It is definitely a species of Echinodorus, the Amazon sword plant family.

AI Leaf Zone is not likley going to help much, depending upon other nutrient availability, as it only contains iron and potassium and too much iron can kill plants (and fish and everything else for that matter). What is the GH of your water? And can you detail the lighting. Four hours is not much, but that in itself is not going to kill plants.
it looks like an ozelot sword, they have brown spots on their leaves.

you need to increase the photoperiod. you can have the lights on for up to 16 hours a day but start with 10-12 hours a day and see how the algae goes.
A caution on increasing the light period. Do it gradually. Use a timer so it is consistent every 24-hour period, this is important for fish as well as plants.

Duration is not going to be detrimental if the intensity is sufficient, and the light is adequate (spectrum). Having said that, six hours is usually considered minimum (according to George Farmer, a UK planted tank authority), but some members here have used five hours with success. My tanks are on 7 hours daily, and the plants thrive. Increase an hour at a time, maybe each week at the water change. But again, increasing the duration will not improve plant growth. It is the light itself that matter, intensity and spectrum; and having sufficient nutrients to balance. Without the latter, the light will only encourage algae.
Thanks guys!! Huge help. Will start by increasing the light slightly each day as you say. Hopefully that will start improving the situation.
Thanks guys!! Huge help. Will start by increasing the light slightly each day as you say. Hopefully that will start improving the situation.

No, it will not. You are not providing any nutrients, and all the light in the world won't compensate for that.
No, it will not. You are not providing any nutrients, and all the light in the world won't compensate for that.
Oh okay, would you add any nutrients in addition to Leaf Zone? Thanks!
Oh okay, would you add any nutrients in addition to Leaf Zone? Thanks!

Swords benefit from a substrate tab fertilizer. A comprehensive liquid will also help, and help other plants like floating too. There are three I can recommend.

Seachem's Flourish Comprehensive Supplement for the Planted Aquarium and Flourish Tabs.
Brightwell Aquatics' FlorinMulti, and I think they have a tab too.
The Nutrient Company's TNC Lite and their tab [this is in the UK].

These manufacturers make other products under these names (Flourish, etc) so make sure it is exactly these, which ever of the three.
Thank you! Will have a look into getting one of these.

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