My other cats!

I have zero space for a 25g+ tank! I'm running four tanks at the moment, and if I get a fifth, it will be an apistogramma borellii grow-out tank out of necessity. My OH hasn't acknowledged that yet, but he will if there are cute baby apistos who need a place to live.

Could they live with the Hypancistrus plecs if a space becomes available? Super chilled out tank, as the Hypans are really timid and lots of oxygenation, because they are rheophilic, Ph 6.5-ish, temp 26.5.
Do they eat vegetation or proteins? If vegetarian, I'd suggest not going with them as there would be too much competition for food. Farlows are very prone to starving.

Id instead, look at the sturisoma group, or whiptails
Both of mine were stays found on the street, they were just kittens.
These are mine. All but the black one are over 10 years old. The black one is 2.
Could they live with the Hypancistrus plecs if a space becomes available? Super chilled out tank, as the Hypans are really timid and lots of oxygenation, because they are rheophilic, Ph 6.5-ish, temp 26.5.
Their diets are similar so it may be risky.
L260 and L262 are predominantly carniverous. I have some otos in there, though. They're the veggie competition.
It's 125L.

Given what you say, I'm surprised Seriously Fish suggested keeping it with Chaestoma Formosae. Mine is an aggressive wee algae eater. It's not afraid of anything, and even though it's a juvenile, it stands up to the adult bristlenose (these are in a 240L tank... not the one I'm talking about above).

The other option in the future is a 100L tank currently housing a Bolivian ram, some cherry barbs, and a clown pleco. That's not yet mature enough to support an algae eater, so I wouldn't for some time (learned that the hard way when I first got those otos...whoops). I wouldn't be keen to add anything timid with the barbs, though, as they're obnoxious things who've been evicted from two tanks already.
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