What algae is this and how do I get rid of it?

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May 2, 2020
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Buckingham, England
I would get an old toothbrush and gently use it to comb the algae away, wrapping it around the brush. Lower the brightness of the light in your tank, and maybe shorten the amount of time that your light is being left on.
I had the black hair algae, it spread like wild fire. No matter how many times I was cleaning it; it was growing back 10 fold. All over plants and decor. In the end I ripped out plants and scrubbed decor. Left it for empty for almost 2 months, before I put decor back and about 2 wks for plants, it's been 6-7 months now
I had the black hair algae, it spread like wild fire. No matter how many times I was cleaning it; it was growing back 10 fold. All over plants and decor. In the end I ripped out plants and scrubbed decor. Left it for empty for almost 2 months, before I put decor back and about 2 wks for plants, it's been 6-7 months now
Like Colin stats it's imperative to do your WC I was doing 50% every 3 days
I leave the hair algae in my shrimp tank. It only grows on a piece of log and a rock. Looks pretty and they love it. Just have to remember not to transfer any decor from one tank to another without cleaning it good or it will transfer to next tank. I had a Rick dry out for a couple of months and it still came back in it. You have it a lot worse than I do though.
I would remove it one the gravel, but leave some of it. It can look pretty, if maintained. :)

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