Surface Scum - Flex 15


New Member
May 6, 2020
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I currently have a Fluval Flex 15 planted tank. I get a lot of surface scum on the top which i'm wondering if it's normal or if there is anything is can do to clear it up. I've been using paper towels to clean it up but, wondering if i should add more media like filter floss to hopefully catch some of those particles. I currently just using carbon and bio media. I've also replaced the pump as the flow was too strong for my betta so, got an adjustable one.

I would like to get a surface skimmer but, since this is an all in one tank there really isn't anywhere to put it. I have an all in one skimmer which just attaches over the top vent but, doesn't seem like it does anything or maybe i'm using it wrong.

Any suggestions would be great. Or if you need more details just let me know. I've attached a picture of what is looks like.

Thanks for all the help, i'm new to this hobby so, want to make sure i'm doing everything i can.



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Its Bio film. Some shrimp like eating it. It can however trap oxygen from getting into your water, which can be bad.

"Biofilm is a huge and complex collection of prokaryotes (bacteria) and eukaryotes (such as diatoms, fungi, algae and other multi-cellular and single-celled organisms that form a layer on any surface submerged in water."

Check out this page:
Drop the level of the water slightly so part of the top outlet (to the filter chamber). Is above the water line. That way water will be sucked off the surface into the filter as well and this will be broken up.
FWIW I ditched the carbon and bio media in mine and just have the original sponge in the centre compartment. That's more than enough - I also got a less powerful pump.
Drop the level of the water slightly so part of the top outlet (to the filter chamber). Is above the water line. That way water will be sucked off the surface into the filter as well and this will be broken up.
FWIW I ditched the carbon and bio media in mine and just have the original sponge in the centre compartment. That's more than enough - I also got a less powerful pump.

Thanks for the suggestion. Currently, i do have the water level lower so, the top vent is showing partially. The water level is about 1/2 above the lowest part of the top vent. So, part of the vent is under water and part of it is above. Should i lower it more?
Is it an ongoing problem or a new one? Some people reported problems when they first changed the pump - most seem to use the Eheim compacton 300. You should be ok as long as water is constantly going out through the back. My tank has a lot of floating plants and I occasionally give the surface a little stir to help it on its way. Its not doing any harm. If you make sure that at least one of the outlet nozzles is disturbing the surface of the water (ripples are enough) gas exchange will happen. Some water conditioners and liquid ferts can contribute to this.
Is it an ongoing problem or a new one? Some people reported problems when they first changed the pump - most seem to use the Eheim compacton 300. You should be ok as long as water is constantly going out through the back. My tank has a lot of floating plants and I occasionally give the surface a little stir to help it on its way. Its not doing any harm. If you make sure that at least one of the outlet nozzles is disturbing the surface of the water (ripples are enough) gas exchange will happen. Some water conditioners and liquid ferts can contribute to this.

I've had the issue with the bio film since day one. This is an ongoing issues. It didn't get worse when i added my pump. The water conditioner i use is Seachem Prime and fertilizer is Easy Green.

think i'll try an reposition my outlets to agitate the water more. Thanks for the help and suggestions.

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