Question about healing


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2019
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I think Mario is healing now after his fin damage, I treated him with tetra fungus guard and the white fuzzy stuff was gone the next day. He's really active and still eating.

I noticed him flashing some this morning, he was turning sideways really trying to get the top of his body so I was wondering if fish get itchy when they're healing like people do?
Also, is the brown on his body normal, like bruising or something?

Here's a before and after of the fin damage
Is that his flesh showing? I would do daily 50% water changes for 10 days and add 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt per 5 gallons of aquarium water. Dissolve the salt first in a little tank water before adding or it will burn him. After the first day, add 1/2 tablespoon of aquarium salt per 5 gallons with each 50% water change. This should heal him up without having to continue using meds. Keep us posted!
I don't think it's flesh, when I look closely I see the scales.
Should I just water change the meds out? They stained my anubias :( It's been 4 days with the meds and maybe a week with salt. For some reason I never notice a difference with salt. He has like permanent fin rot on the end of his tail :(

I’d keep the water changes up another week. :)
I took the medicine out last night and this morning there's already white fluffy stuff on his hurt fin
Daily water changes if 75% with salt as instructed above for 10 days. You can also get a Q-Tip and dab the area with Methylene blue each day.
Ok, thank you! And for the salt is it 4 heaping tablespoons for a ten gallon tank?

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