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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Fish Addict
May 9, 2020
Reaction score
Planet Earth
Well i figured i mind as well as show off my tank.

Size: 36 bowfront
Filter: AC70
Heater: EHIME jager 150w
Light: 30" Finnex planted + 24/7 HLC
Ferts: Seachem root tabs.
Water conditioner: Seachem Prime
L. repens
1 Anubias nana
Dwarf Sag
1 amazon sword
2 Dwarf rosette sward
unknown species of Bacopa
Jungle val
2 angels (one is stunted - we dont talk about that) that are not a pair
2 female N. anomala
2 Corydoras aeneus
1 farlowella vittata
12 Blue/Purple emperor tetras (I. kerri)
Water change: 25-60% weekly

This picture is very old and is no where close to what it looks like right now
Nice looking tank and angelfish, do not mean to rain on your parade but they are best kept in shoals of 5 or more or mated pair. I had a mated pair in a 55 gallon tank for years and they grew to 5 and 6 inches (just the body)
I know i know Im pushing it. The gold marble is 5 (ish) inches. The other is shorter. I know a lot about angelfish (not saying your input isn't welcome though).
They are doing fine (much better than the 20 h I had them in for 4 years). Ssh. Anyway. I wasnt into fish then. Ive learned a lot in the past 2 years. This is a big as i can go. They are happy and get along just fine.

We can discuss this further if you want.

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