Here are a few pictures of my 55 Gallon Tank setup so far.
Two HOB Filters
Sand Substrate
Mopani Driftwood and Spider wood
I painted the back of the tank black
It is currently going through a fishless cycle. I would have loved to have been able to do a planted, fish in cycle but I will be leaving for vacation in 1 week and I will be gone for two weeks. So I will add plants when I return and then fish.
I will be adding floating plants and plants such as Amazon swords, Anubis Nana petite, crypts, Java Moss, Jungle Val, etc. I hope to hide the two filter intake tubes and heater with taller background plants. I hate that the two filter intake louvers are grey instead of black and stick out like a sore thumb. Why didn't they just make them black to match the tubes?!?
I will be stocking the tank with Diptail Pencil fish, Silver Hatchet fish, Rummy nose tetras, Cardinal Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Cories, BN Pleco, and Nerite Snails.
Anyway, let me know what you think!
I'm Very Excited!!
Two HOB Filters
Sand Substrate
Mopani Driftwood and Spider wood
I painted the back of the tank black
It is currently going through a fishless cycle. I would have loved to have been able to do a planted, fish in cycle but I will be leaving for vacation in 1 week and I will be gone for two weeks. So I will add plants when I return and then fish.
I will be adding floating plants and plants such as Amazon swords, Anubis Nana petite, crypts, Java Moss, Jungle Val, etc. I hope to hide the two filter intake tubes and heater with taller background plants. I hate that the two filter intake louvers are grey instead of black and stick out like a sore thumb. Why didn't they just make them black to match the tubes?!?
I will be stocking the tank with Diptail Pencil fish, Silver Hatchet fish, Rummy nose tetras, Cardinal Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Cories, BN Pleco, and Nerite Snails.
Anyway, let me know what you think!
I'm Very Excited!!