New tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 12, 2020
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I’ve move my two firemouth cichlids into a tank, 180l with some old filter media I had and basically the same water parameters, they are swimming around near the bottom mostly and are breathing fine I was wondering if I need to look for any signs of the fish being sick in the new tank
If you have moved over enough established media, the tank should not cycle. I have done this many times when moving and setting up new tanks and never got any ammonia readings. The tank was cycled instantly.

Avoid adding more fish until the tank fully establishes and feed sparingly.

Be sure to watch ammonia, nitrite and nitrate closely.

Post some pictures of the new setup!
I’ve moved 2 firemouth cichlids and some established media with some new media for the bacteria to grow as this is a bigger tank, I have an in tank filter, as seen in the photos, ammonia nitrates and nitrites are all 0ppm as of now, ph is the same as the other tank they moved from, I made this setup myself, water in, sponge media, biological media, then water is pumped out, this was only setup today so I will add more things like a substrate, the water pump is also quite loud so if I turn that off during the time I sleep will the fish be okay during that time


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Nice. Just keep an eye on those ammonia levels. If you get any ammonia, do a ig water change and know the tank is going to have to cycle out.
I’ve moved 2 firemouth cichlids and some established media with some new media for the bacteria to grow as this is a bigger tank, I have an in tank filter, as seen in the photos, ammonia nitrates and nitrites are all 0ppm as of now, ph is the same as the other tank they moved from, I made this setup myself, water in, sponge media, biological media, then water is pumped out, this was only setup today so I will add more things like a substrate, the water pump is also quite loud so if I turn that off during the time I sleep will the fish be okay during that time

Your fish won't be sick if you move all the old filter media to the new filter.
This is the best that you can do when you move all the old media to the new filter.
You can add more filter medias in the future if you still have space in the filter compartment.

Secondly, if you don't introduce any new fish or plants, your fish won't get any disease.
And if you are cleaning your new tank, don't use any soap. If you have, make sure you rinse it well to prevent any residue of soap.

Actually your filter should be running 24hrs. You shouldn't turned it off at night.
The ammonia and nitrite may rise and the beneficial bacteria(BB) in the filter media may die when you turn it off for too long.

I suspect that your water pump noise could be due to the water pump being too strong.
What is the flow rate of your water pump?
And how did you mount the water pump?
Can you take a photo from the side view?

I guess if you change to a less powerful(slower flow rate) water pump, it won't create the noise.
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