So Many Babies

18 eggs as of this post transferred to the brooding container. Its amazing how sticky they are. Moved the ones i could find to an Indian Almond Leaf and have that in the container with Solo (who may not be so solo in a few days!)

Though, apparently snails make a good place to lay your eggs? Found this guy moving around with the egg stuck on his shell

EDIT im at over 25 eggs now. Theyre still going.
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EDIT: 85 now.

I have now moved 61 eggs total.

I made my current cory fry set up larger to accommodate this. My older Solo is in his own little cup until the others that possibly hatch can handle sand.

Its a 3 gallon tote, with a smaller 1/2 gallon tote inside. All perforated.


I can empty the water outside the smaller containers and not suck up fry lol

But the female is still laying eggs, so... lol this will probably increase.
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that is so cool!!
that is so cool!!
It is for now... im curious how many will hatch. I expect a good loss from fungus or just dud eggs obviously. But im at 85 so far and looks like mom is still going...

Finding homes during lockdown should be fun lol on top of the platy fry too.
cant wait to see how it turns out!!
Cracks me up though that it is my tris going nuts right now. Ive got bronze and nothing from them, even with a very gravid female in there too. Ive got two female paleatus too and theyve been porky with some males around but nothing from them either. Those are supposed to be more likely to spawn on their own.

Ive not increased water changes, nothing. But storms did roll through last night, so that may have triggered today's spawning.
95 eggs collected now. I think that may be it, i don't see much chasing anymore so maybe finally done.

Geez thats a lot from one female
holy cow!

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