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FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Fish Aficionado
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jan 26, 2020
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Spica via Regulus
I am literally freaking out. Boiling eggs.
Can't find car key, I'll have to ride the bus ro my LFS for hikari First Bites.
Have you use that product?
My one sweet minnow fry liked it. She, btw, is currently sporting a full belly!
I wanted to try it with my tetra fry but with the lock down I ended up using fish food (omega one)and grinding it into a fine dust before feeding. My last tetra fry is now swimming free in my tetra tank. The sunken forest theme is not set up well for having more fry like I had the LOTR castle but I am working on adding more plants. I also have a 10 gallon tank that I am going to set up as a tetra breeding tank in the basement when I am able to find a spot. ;)
Well,.I am going to have to make some adjustments if I start getting more fry.
I have the 7 rainbow fish that were intended for my 10g.
That currently houses:
1Assassin snail

All destined for the currently cycling 20g.

The 7 rainbows were to go in the 10g when I moved the others.
(By the way, how do I get my Nitrate down?
Its fine from what looked like blood, to red koolaid to a wee bit lighter to koolaid.
It's taking forever).

The 10g is holding it's own
But I have to do a lot of waterchanges.

Clearly 7 adults plus, if I get them, fry will need a larger tank.

Any chance of anything I currently have in the 10g getting along with the rainbows in the 20? What is their breeding season?

Also, kist wondering 2 guppies and 2 adult Amano on a 5g?
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7 rainbows in a 10g tank? That is crazy small...
7 rainbows in a 10g tank? That is crazy small...
They are only small fish (1 inch long) and quite narrow.

If you have high nitrates, do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate every day until the levels are low.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before you add it to the tank.

Check your tap water for nitrates.

When you gravel clean the substrate, drain the water into a white bucket and let the water settle for a few minutes. Then use a torch to look for eggs on the bottom of the bucket.
The lesson to be learned here is to have fry food ready all the time. Have a microworm culture going and vinegar eels which are very easy to start and maintain. Know how to hatch out baby brine shrimp and have the supplies for that ready at all times. These things are inexpensive and should be standard equipment in every fish room.

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