Anyone keep these?

Wanna share some photos of these oddballs. Anyone keep farlowella twig catfish (the farlowella group particularly, but ill also count the sturistoma group AKA royal farlowella and kin)

@DwarfCichlidLvr i know you got one!

I have 2.

A female farlowella platorynchus
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And a female farlowella vittata
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I know theyre a difficult fish to keep, but wondering how many others keep them. I love these fish, so neat. I mean they dont do a whole lot, by day they sit on driftwood and look like a stick, but at night theyre always out cleaning my glass, hopping around from plant to plant and branch to branch. So fun trying to find them. And if they get annoyed with another fish or shrimp, they swat it with their long tails lol
I've never even heard of these - they're lovely!

The stick insects of the aquarium, obviously, but at least they won't escape and end up climbing the curtains so you have to get a ladder out to recapture them and put them back in the tank.

Why, yes. Yes, I am speaking from experience - how did you know?
My husband's phone takes much nicer photos than mine.
My husband's phone takes much nicer photos than mine.
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Great looking fish! I had one of these many years ago, when i first started in the hobby. Loved it as it did look like a crocodile, was told they have a tough skin and will be fine with the tank mates i had at the time, the next morning it was half eaten by a blue crayfish!
Never used that lfs again.

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