How long has my guppy got left?


New Member
Feb 23, 2020
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I think she is due soon but wanted to check and see what you all think.


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If she had contact with males, then she is pregnant and her gravid spot (located near her anal fin) will get bigger with each day.
Female guppies will be pregnant for about 21-30 days or longer.
Do not move her into a breeder box as this will stress her out and make her abort her fry or delay her delivery, instead add some dense live plants like hornwort (float or attach to driftwood), java moss (float or attach to dritwood, better is floated), limnophila sessiliflora (planted), anacharis.
May I ask how big is the tank?
If she had contact with males, then she is pregnant and her gravid spot (located near her anal fin) will get bigger with each day.
Female guppies will be pregnant for about 21-30 days or longer.
Do not move her into a breeder box as this will stress her out and make her abort her fry or delay her delivery, instead add some dense live plants like hornwort (float or attach to driftwood), java moss (float or attach to dritwood, better is floated), limnophila sessiliflora (planted), anacharis.
May I ask how big is the tank?
Hi, She is in a 140 litre tank
They must be very happy there! :lol: I'm a big fan of livebearers to be honest.
Thank you I hope she is she shares it with 2 mollies 2 yoyo loach 2 guppies an albino shark and a leopard pleco my mollie gave birth yesterday to 2 babies both doing great so fingers crossed it won't be to long for her.
Thank you I hope she is she shares it with 2 mollies 2 yoyo loach 2 guppies an albino shark and a leopard pleco my mollie gave birth yesterday to 2 babies both doing great so fingers crossed it won't be to long for her.
I'm afraid that leopard pleco needs a tank size of 100 gallons and yo yo loaches need a 40 gallon tank :(
I'm afraid that leopard pleco needs a tank size of 100 gallons and yo yo loaches need a 40 gallon tank :(
Sorry I should have explained lol the pleco and loaches and shark won't be staying in this tank I am currently fish sitting them for a couple months as their tank which i believe is a 600 litre sprung a leak, its not ideal but desperate times and all that lol. My tank is for guppies and mollies normally.
If you want to save them I would get a fry net and then scoop the fry up in a small cup and place them in the net so they have a chance to grow or better yet if you have a spare tank to put them in. I had several fry survive in my main tank due to having all kinds of hiding places. My guppies I keep in their own tank and they leave their fry alone. The other fish you have may not be so kind. Good luck.
If you want to save them I would get a fry net and then scoop the fry up in a small cup and place them in the net so they have a chance to grow or better yet if you have a spare tank to put them in. I had several fry survive in my main tank due to having all kinds of hiding places. My guppies I keep in their own tank and they leave their fry alone. The other fish you have may not be so kind. Good luck.
Thank you I will do as you've suggested and cross my fingers I notice when she starts to give birth I'm constantly watching my tank at the moment lol as I would hate for any to be eaten.

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