Expecting first online order

What if you move the other cories in your main tank to the QT one, that way if the newcomer does get the other sick your neons are still safe?
I have (hopefully) 6 bronze cories coming in tomorrow. I guess he can hang with them until QT is up. They may not schoal with him but they will be sociable.
I have (hopefully) 6 bronze cories coming in tomorrow. I guess he can hang with them until QT is up. They may not schoal with him but they will be sociable.
Yeah that'll be better than being alone. They might hang out with him
Shipment just arrived. All are alive , not sure about the freshwater clam but will keep an eye on him to see if he moves.

I had ordered : 2 Red Tail Black Variatus Platy and 1 golden freshwater clam. They sent me one free fish too! A gold twin bar platy.

I followed all instructions on how they wanted me to introduce the fish. I should’ve taken pictures but completely forgot and added them to the tank already. Lol. They are in there hiding somewhere. And I forgot to look to see if I received males or females. I was too excited lol. But I will update once they come out and start swimming around.
Shipment just arrived. All are alive , not sure about the freshwater clam but will keep an eye on him to see if he moves.

I had ordered : 2 Red Tail Black Variatus Platy and 1 golden freshwater clam. They sent me one free fish too! A gold twin bar platy.

I followed all instructions on how they wanted me to introduce the fish. I should’ve taken pictures but completely forgot and added them to the tank already. Lol. They are in there hiding somewhere. And I forgot to look to see if I received males or females. I was too excited lol. But I will update once they come out and start swimming around.
I did see that the gold bar platy is female , and only one of the black variatus is swimming around and he is male. And I see the clam breathing and moving. So everything is doing ok right now !
Well I lost one of the black variatus platies. Noticed it dead in the tank. :( poor girl. I called and they were apologetic , said they would replace it but I would have to pay shipping cost or that they would replace it with two fish next time I place an order.
Dang! I thought yours came out great. I’ve never had a seller give me problems with refunds before. What gives with these people? Fighting with mine now.
Now this is how cories should be packed! All 6 arrived healthy and strong. :)

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