Bump or pimple on CPD


New Member
Oct 14, 2019
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Hi everyone,

I have a CPD that is having a strange pimple on his side. I have attached a picture, not the best quality, unfortunately. Those little buggers are swimming too fast for my camera. It is definitely sticking out from his side (and not a hole) and after today's water change it looks like something is coming off its top, maybe the fish's scales.
A few weeks ago, a female CPD died with something that looked similar, but it was growing at the tailfin base.

He lives with 5 other CPDs, 1 honey gourami and a lot of ghost shrimp. The tank also has a lot of living plants. I do a 25% water change every second day or 50% once a week.

Maybe you have an idea what this could be. He is eating and all the others look fine, but it seems to be contagious assuming the recently passed fish had the same thing.

Tank size: 40l
pH: 6.4
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0 ppm
nitrate: 5 ppm
kh: 6
gh: 7
tank temp: 24°C


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Does the pimple seem fuzzy? Are there any others on the other fish?
Thank you very much for your reply.

It is incredibly difficult to see what it looks like, because the fish is very active, but I do not see any obvious fuzz. I also took a look at the other fish and there is nothing on them.

It also seems as if whatever was coming off, fell off. There is now a lighter patch within the bump (maybe due to a scale missing?). Sorry, that is just my interpretation, I know probably not very helpful.
Very interesting...

If it was ick (which is what I was originally thinking) it would not have fallen off.

Make sure (double check) that none of your other fish have this. Also check plants and substrate.
What should I check the plants and substrate for? For whatever fell off?
Can do, thank you :)

Do you think it might have been a parasite growing under the skin? If so, the bump should disappear now, right?
No, not under the skin.

If it was ick, it’s on the skin. It might have been something minor...

If it truly was ick, it will come back. I sure hope it isn’t for your sake... :unsure:
Me to. Just keep an eye out for more spots. Don’t hesitate to post more pictures, if more spots appear.

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