Need help identifying ick or not


New Member
May 12, 2020
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San Diego, California
Hello I just started up and cycled my old 30 gallon tank for my guppy’s and neon tetras everything was fine and going good guppies had fry and fish swimming and having a great life until one day I noticed on of the guppy’s and tetra had one single white spot on there fin just one so I can’t tell if it’s ich or not the spot on one of the guppy’s went away but the tetras is still there pls help.


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It dosent look like ich. Could we get a clear pic?
Observe the fish but at this point I wold not do anything. That one spot may be something other than ich (white spot). Have you seen any flashing--meaning, a fish quickly scraping its gill region on the substrate, a chunk of wood, a plant leaf? This is the first sign of ich as it attacks fish in the gills where we cannot see it, and before other areas. Fish that are not under stress can also fight off ich, and a lot of other things too.
Observe the fish but at this point I wold not do anything. That one spot may be something other than ich (white spot). Have you seen any flashing--meaning, a fish quickly scraping its gill region on the substrate, a chunk of wood, a plant leaf? This is the first sign of ich as it attacks fish in the gills where we cannot see it, and before other areas. Fish that are not under stress can also fight off ich, and a lot of other things too.
Okay I will and no that was the weird part they act completely normal so I couldn’t identify it they are eating normally swimming and active no flashing just one single spot
Going by your pictures the noens color looks dull which is a sign of stress which is not healthy. If they look dull to you I would place a back ground picture on the back of your tank, turn the lights down a little and look into some floating plants. I have tetras too and they come from South American jungle streams so they are use to having shade.
Going by your pictures the noens color looks dull which is a sign of stress which is not healthy. If they look dull to you I would place a back ground picture on the back of your tank, turn the lights down a little and look into some floating plants. I have tetras too and they come from South American jungle streams so they are use to having shade.
Going by your pictures the noens color looks dull which is a sign of stress which is not healthy. If they look dull to you I would place a back ground picture on the back of your tank, turn the lights down a little and look into some floating plants. I have tetras too and they come from South American jungle streams so they are use to having shade.
What kind of floating plants would you recommend
In the 2nd picture, there is a dot on the neon's tail that looks like it may be the start of ich.

It is absolutely something to monitor, but I'd refrain from doing anything until there is better signs.

If it is apparent that you have ich, be ready to raise the temperature to 86F and put the gravel vac and scrubber on standby.
Okay and yea that’s what I was talking about it was like that for my guppy too but after a day it went away and haven’t seen it since. And will the heat kill my guppies fry? I know that it will speed up there growth rate and metabolism but I never went that high before
Hello I just started up and cycled my old 30 gallon tank for my guppy’s and neon tetras everything was fine and going good guppies had fry and fish swimming and having a great life until one day I noticed on of the guppy’s and tetra had one single white spot on there fin just one so I can’t tell if it’s ich or not the spot on one of the guppy’s went away but the tetras is still there pls help.
After I put up a dark green back ground I had in my old stuff my neons came out more and I was able to get better photos


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