What's wrong with my Betta?


New Member
May 11, 2020
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Hi everyone!

I really hope someone can help me. I am a beginner and set up my tank on Thursday. I conditioned the water and everything and then tested the water at my pet store on Saturday. They said everything looks good so I got my first fish. I got a black orchid Betta and 3 tetras. They seemed fine when I brought them home, but the next day I found two of the tetras dead. We went back to the store and saw that two more were dead in their own tank. We decided to get some other tetras. They are doing great and are eating and swimming around.

Now, after I thought we are finally okay, I noticed this morning that my Betta was just laying around in a corner and when he started swimming again, I saw that his bottom fin is ripped and he has a white belly. I have no idea what is wrong with him and if there is anything I need to do. If you know, please let me know! Thank you!
Did you cycle your tank properly before adding fish? Also you should not put a Betta in with tetras or almost any other fish. They prefer being the sole occupant of a tank..except maybe a snail or two. Do a 75% Water Change immediately and use a test kit to test water conditions. If you see any ammonia or nitrates in a day or so, do another water change.
It is best to do a fishless cycling of your tank. Here is our guidelines for proper cycling.
What size tank? Remove the other fish immediately and do a 75% water change. Probably an ammonia spike from a non cycled tank.
Could you get a photo of the white on his belly?

The torn fin is probably from the tetras nipping his fins, they do that. Could also be fin rot or both. Do a daily water change of 75% to avoid ammonia spikes and help the fins heal
Is it just me, or does the betta have fin rot? (See under side, near pectoral fin)
If your tank is not cycled, add a product like Tetra Safe Start to build up some beneficial bacteria which will eat ammonia.
Is it just me, or does the betta have fin rot? (See under side, near pectoral fin)
Yep I think it has fin rot and probably was nipped by the tetras
Possibly... what kind of tetras do you have?

Tetras and bettas never mix. That’s a fact. If you can, remove the tetras immediately.
not to be a smart butt, because i had the same question about bettas being with other fish. i feel that a competent pet store employee should have told you not to mix bettas with other fish. special bettas aren’t cheap. i might talk with the manager at your pet store. maybe he would offer a. different fish or some kind of refund. sorry you learned the sad away with your poor betta.
not to be a smart butt, because i had the same question about bettas being with other fish. i feel that a competent pet store employee should have told you not to mix bettas with other fish. special bettas aren’t cheap. i might talk with the manager at your pet store. maybe he would offer a. different fish or some kind of refund. sorry you learned the sad away with your poor betta.
Sadly most pet shop employees know almost nothing about fish
Sadly most pet shop employees know almost nothing about fish
or birds. i see conditions at Petco and because i have the same avian vet as the one that treats Petco animals, i let her know. sometimes people honestly just don’t know. they must love critters to work in a pet store. i guess we all learn more as we get into our hobby and it doesn’t hurt to try in some nice way to educate or have a professional educate the uninformed. okay i’ll get off my soap box. i show my age saying “soap box”
lol. for younger people i mean i’ll shut up.
ok one last thing. i used to volunteer at REGI (in Wisconsin). it stands for Raptor Education Group Inc. the president and founder of that raptor/ other birds rehab hospital said education is the key to advance with animal care. she even has hunters bring her extra kill or animal organs that her hawks can eat. if she wear to be rude to hunters, she surely would turn them off to any understanding wildlife.
or birds. i see conditions at Petco and because i have the same avian vet as the one that treats Petco animals, i let her know. sometimes people honestly just don’t know. they must love critters to work in a pet store. i guess we all learn more as we get into our hobby and it doesn’t hurt to try in some nice way to educate or have a professional educate the uninformed. okay i’ll get off my soap box. i show my age saying “soap box”
lol. for younger people i mean i’ll shut up.
I'm familiar with that phrase...is that not common? Lol homeschooled

I think that petco should train the employees working in the sections where you actually handle the animals is the basic care and comparability. Obviously they wouldn't know everything but it would still be better!
I'm familiar with that phrase...is that not common? Lol homeschooled

I think that petco should train the employees working in the sections where you actually handle the animals is the basic care and comparability. Obviously they wouldn't know everything but it would still be better!
i am 70 years old. the phrase dates back to politicians standing on soap boxes so they could be seen or heard better. now there are podiums or whatever. maybe being higher up allows their “hot air” to disperse. lol
this remark is solely mine- just in case we have politicians among us. ha ha

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