New tank pic

Tropical Tony

Fish Crazy
May 4, 2020
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Hi guys. I got my tank yesterday (first one for about 10 years) and finally finished setting it up late last night. Just thought I’d share a pic anyone else just set up a new tank?
Looking very nice! Very cool aquascape.

I can’t wait to see it in a month or so.

I’m 16 days into setting my tank up. Just finished my silent cycle and off to buy the first fish for the tank tomorrow. Here’s a photo that was taken earlier this evening

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Very nice what size is it and what are you planning on stocking with? I know I’m looking forward to seeing the growth!
240 litres. How about your tank?

I’m starting off with 6-8 guppies (hard water). I still haven’t completely made my mind up with the rest of the stock.

How about you?
240 litres. How about your tank?

I’m starting off with 6-8 guppies (hard water). I still haven’t completely made my mind up with the rest of the stock.

How about you?
That sounds like a god start. Make sure you watch your ammonia readings and do not over stock as you silent cycle. I have a 55 gallon and add 5 tetras every two weeks during the silent cycle.
Very nice tank! What size is it?

If it is under 10 US gallons, you can enter it in the upcoming June TOTM contest! (Tank of the month) You could win a cool banner in your profile area. :fish:
That sounds like a god start. Make sure you watch your ammonia readings and do not over stock as you silent cycle. I have a 55 gallon and add 5 tetras every two weeks during the silent cycle.
I will do, I’ll carry out tests on my water daily. The next additions won’t be for a few weeks. Possibly a few swordtails. But I want to get a fry tank set up, before the swordtails and hopefully before my guppies get busy!
Hi guys. I got my tank yesterday (first one for about 10 years) and finally finished setting it up late last night. Just thought I’d share a pic anyone else just set up a new tank?View attachment 103417
Tony it looks smashing :wub: just set my 4th tank up for a betta it's now in cycling process :rolleyes:


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