New 5 gallon hexagon tank started cycling for a Betta fish

In fish keeping, gallons are always American gallons, so your 100 litre tank is actually 26.5 gallons rather than 22 Imperial gallons :)

What's the Boyu tank in litres? It may be more than 60 gallons if you're using Imperial gallons.
essjay it must be Imperial as i do it through google and the USA gallons shows more and my Boyu is 235 litres and the shop says it's just over 52 gallons and then USA states just over 60 and your helps appreciated thank you.
Well today i put in my new silk plant and some had to be removed it was way to tall and put the sucker leaf towards the top as i read males like using them close to the top to make a bubble nest, so if i can be advised on what section of the side to put it, it's much appreciated and i added 3 smooth pebbles, i'm wanting it simple plus more room for when i get my betta eventually.

Pic's from left to right.
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It looks good! Got any types of betta in mind?
@Tez_20 In the UK we have to be careful with anything we add to the tank, from dechlorinator to medication. Most of them give the dose rate in litres and gallons, and it's usually US gallons. But the odd make (King British springs to mind) uses Imperial gallons. It is much safer to measure the dose in litres. I discovered this long ago when I realised that King Birtish dose rates didn't seem right for the gallons rate.

I tend to look at bettas in just one shop as they usually have a good choice, and I let the betta choose me rather than the other way round. I don't go shopping with a type or colour in mind - I look at what's in stock on that day, look at which are perky fish with no obvious health issues, narrow it down to 2 or 3 then decide. I don't mind what they look like as long as they look fit and healthy :)
@Tez_20 In the UK we have to be careful with anything we add to the tank, from dechlorinator to medication. Most of them give the dose rate in litres and gallons, and it's usually US gallons. But the odd make (King British springs to mind) uses Imperial gallons. It is much safer to measure the dose in litres. I discovered this long ago when I realised that King Birtish dose rates didn't seem right for the gallons rate.

I tend to look at bettas in just one shop as they usually have a good choice, and I let the betta choose me rather than the other way round. I don't go shopping with a type or colour in mind - I look at what's in stock on that day, look at which are perky fish with no obvious health issues, narrow it down to 2 or 3 then decide. I don't mind what they look like as long as they look fit and healthy :)
essjay sorry i'm late replying thanks for the tip on dechlorinator, well usually when i shift out 5 buckets on my large tank i usually add 30ml of Tetra aquasafe.

Well i would hope to drop on an healthy clown but if they don't have one when my tanks due and there's other there, i shall look for the most active and good condition and i like them a bit matured as i've found they can cope betta, although betta's are a different kettle of fish all together.:)
Well yesterday i did water tests on my tank and shall be doing it every week till cycle finishes but i'm going to move good filtering from my submerged tank in to the new one to kick start the cycling better and to allow ammonia to come in, as the cages contain the same filtering and size.

All 3 was double checked on the window and good filtering that will be moved over containing carbon media and zeolite.


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I'm not sure I understand - do you mean you intend using a carbon-zeolite cartridge as the filter medium?

Zeolite is not a good medium to use on a routine basis. It removes ammonia from the water, preventing the growth of the bacteria. Then it gets full and stops absorbing ammonia so, because there aren't enough bacteria, the ammonia level shoots up. Zeolite must be changed before it gets full, and that works out more expensive than not using it and allowing bacteria to grow instead.
Of course, if the cartridges are just left there, once the zeolite stops working it will be a home for the bacteria.
I'm not sure I understand - do you mean you intend using a carbon-zeolite cartridge as the filter medium?

Zeolite is not a good medium to use on a routine basis. It removes ammonia from the water, preventing the growth of the bacteria. Then it gets full and stops absorbing ammonia so, because there aren't enough bacteria, the ammonia level shoots up. Zeolite must be changed before it gets full, and that works out more expensive than not using it and allowing bacteria to grow instead.
Of course, if the cartridges are just left there, once the zeolite stops working it will be a home for the bacteria.
This is what came as the filter system, Bio rings 3 caged white filter foam sponge containing carbon and i've added zeolite as i've used it this way in all my other 3 tanks besides adding 4 18mm bio balls and i do get good bacteria build up.

My boyu i have now ammonia 0 and nitrite and nitrate always 8ppm and my 100 litre before same readings only nitrate was 5ppm. Yes it is expensive filtering system but i buy it in bulk and make them myself when needed.

This is the new tanks system and all i've done is removed the 2 end cages and replaced them with 2 from my submerged fluval both carrying good bacteria and before i put them in they was soaked in my main tank water for half an hour and a picture of the ones out of my submerged.


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@JuiceBox52 my tank is fully cycling now and my hubby fetched two guppies to help it as they're harder than people think, I tested the water on Monday ammonia 0.25, nitrite 2.0ppm and nitrate 40ppm.

I've since brought an air filter to help them cope and 40% of water each morning is being removed.

Guppies are good for cycling as long as you give them enough oxygen they can fight through high levels and it's funny but the readings on this tank are the same as my big one when it did a mini cycle for 3wks.
With silent cycle, if I do it right the ammonia level stays at 0 so they provide the waste and do great.
Hi @Retired Viking did another 40% water change today and did my 2nd week in on water tests and i have ammonia in now and did this video with the filter running.



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