Male Guppy problems

I know aren’t they :wub: here’s my guppy fry’s at 3-4 weeks old now they are in with the females until they are big enough for the community tanks. they will be 6 weeks old on Friday and they are still the cutest little things ever :fun:
The tiny fry I saw today in my LOTR were too small to be more then a dark spot in the water. I hope they take after their parents.
The tiny fry I saw today in my LOTR were too small to be more then a dark spot in the water. I hope they take after their parents.

Yes, the male ones will start to show colours probably after 2-3 weeks.
Probably Kellya will know this better.

By the way, you mentioned that you put feeder Guppies in your tank.
Just becareful as some feeder fish might be infected with disease.

I have a friend who bought a packet of feeder fish (probab;y around 10 or more).
He was hoping to keep them but all the fish died within a few days.
You are correct the males will start to show color around 2-3 weeks and females around 4 weeks the females tend to be lighter also but don’t freak out if you noticed they haven’t gotten color yet some are late bloomers and will take a little bit longer to get color. You can tell females by males just with the coloring for instance my females only have coloring on their tails and for my male fry’s they have color all over their bodies. When the fry are first born they all look alike and can start to sex them around 6-8 weeks old. Mine will be getting separated soon I don’t want anymore babies. I’m well over 100 babies just with my 3 female guppies that I bought from the store pregnant. Lol
The feeder guppies I have had for over 5 months and displayed no sigh of disease but they did make a lot of fry. :fish: That is why I tried some of them out in the LOTR tank. I am thinking of moving them back to the RES tank since they are chasing the fancy female to much;)

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