Algae on Rocks


New Member
May 6, 2020
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Hi Everyone! New to these forums and planted aquariums.

I currently, have a 15 gallon Fluval Flex. I've had the tank running for a few months now with a plakat halfmoon betta. I've noticed i am starting to get green algae on my rocks. Seems to be only on my rocks (a little brown algae on the lower glass). Every time i do a water change (every 2 weeks about 30%) i try and scrub the algae off but, just comes back which leads me to believe i have an in-balance in my tank somewhere. At first i though maybe it was because the light was too bright or on for too long. Have played around with the lighting (dimming it) and currently, its on for about 6 hours and dimmed about 15%.

Parameters taken today:
pH: 8.0
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 10ppm

- Java Fern
- Java Moss
- Anubias
- Seachem Root tabs added
- Seachem Flourish added (just started dosing this week)

- Fluval Flex 15 gallon
- Seachem Black Sand
- Stone - Dark Pagoda Stone

I have attached pictures of my tank. Any help or recommendations would be great. Any other information let me know.



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Doing weekly water changes will dilute the excess nutrients from feeding and waste that algae feeds on.
Try doing weekly water changes and decrease feeding and see if that helps. Also be sure there is no other light hitting the tank from a window or over head light as even that minimal amount of light will contribute to algae growth.
Doing weekly water changes will dilute the excess nutrients from feeding and waste that algae feeds on.
Try doing weekly water changes and decrease feeding and see if that helps. Also be sure there is no other light hitting the tank from a window or over head light as even that minimal amount of light will contribute to algae growth.

Thanks for the info.

I'll start doing weekly water changes. How much water should i be changing every week? Around 20%?
My tank isn't around any other light sources and i currently feed by betta once a day around 6 pellets (sometimes flakes).
Thanks for the info.

I'll start doing weekly water changes. How much water should i be changing every week? Around 20%?
My tank isn't around any other light sources and i currently feed by betta once a day around 6 pellets (sometimes flakes).
I would recommend no more than a 40% water change each week.

I do agree that doing this, will help with the excess nutrients. Try to reduce feeding and remove any uneaten food.
I'll start doing weekly water changes. How much water should i be changing every week? Around 20%?
My tank isn't around any other light sources and i currently feed by betta once a day around 6 pellets (sometimes flakes).
75% is better to keep everything stable. In my Flex 15 I change 30 litres a week which is about 75% once you take the substrate into account. Adding floating plants will also help reduce the light intensity as well as use up the nutrients in the water.

Perhaps a betta owner will jump in but 6 pellets a day sounds like way too much.
Thanks for the info.

I'll start doing weekly water changes. How much water should i be changing every week? Around 20%?
My tank isn't around any other light sources and i currently feed by betta once a day around 6 pellets (sometimes flakes).
More than 20% isnt going to hurt anything.
Not only will the new water limit algae but the fish will appreciate it so its really up to you go as high as 75%
20% is about the lowest id go. Good luck!

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