Chunky betta


Apr 14, 2020
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Midwest, USA
I've been feeding my betta Hank flakes in the morning and bloodworms in the evening every day for the past week or so. He had a bigger meal last night as he always seems hungry and I'm worried I'm underfeeding him (a quick Google search told me that bettas know when to stop eating, but even when I was raising my eyebrows at the number of worms he still wanted more). I know bloodworms are really fatty, and he is starting to get a little chunkier, so I was wondering if it was time to start altering his feeding patterns to avoid health issues? He may just be bloated from last night's meal too, but he does have a slight bulge.

He does not currently have any issues but he was super duper sick when I first got him April 14 and didn't eat for 9 days.
No, bettas don't know when to stop eating. They will eat and eat, just like any other fish and no, you are not under-feeding him. Fast him for 3 days now or try feeding him frozen daphnia or cooked and de-shelled peas and feed him 3-4 pellets fer day or every two days, number of pellets depends and is something that you've got to see for yourself.
No, bettas don't know when to stop eating. They will eat and eat, just like any other fish and no, you are not under-feeding him. Fast him for 3 days now or try feeding him frozen daphnia or cooked and de-shelled peas and feed him 3-4 pellets fer day or every two days, number of pellets depends and is something that you've got to see for yourself.
Lol my betta refuses to eat more than half a pellet before realizing it's not gourmet and spitting it out. I can see if we have any frozen peas I can thaw, but none of those other food options are available until quarantine lifts. I think I'm going to fast him tonight either way because I don't know what health problems can stem from overfeeding besides swim bladder (which hasn't affected him yet)

What other household food alternatives (that are healthy!) can I use for food? I know boiled eggs can be a treat, and maybe a little bit of carrot.
I agree. My betta would eat all day if I let him. My bettas mouth is so small, I have to cut his pellets in half. I feed him 6 days a week, 8 half pellets. (Which equals 4 regular pellets.)
I agree. My betta would eat all day if I let him. My bettas mouth is so small, I have to cut his pellets in half. I feed him 6 days a week, 8 half pellets. (Which equals 4 regular pellets.)
How many times a day do you feed him?
I feed my girls Micro pellets once a day. Bettas are really prone to bloating and such. I read online some betta fish keepers feed them every 1-2 days. I prefer once a day, my girls aren’t bloated and are super healthy! I would fast him for 2 days to help with bloating. Best of luck!


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I feed my girls Micro pellets once a day. Bettas are really prone to bloating and such. I read online some betta fish keepers feed them every 1-2 days. I prefer once a day, my girls aren’t bloated and are super healthy! I would fast him for 2 days to help with bloating. Best of luck!
Thank you!
How many times a day do you feed him?
Once a day or every two days to prevent bloating. You can even pre soak them in tank water if you want to.

You can also feed your betta (if he doesn't spit it out) a cucumber, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower and even spinach. My boy eats those with no problem, he a veggie boi he hate daphnia (he spits it out and refuses to eat)
I feed mine 2 pellets once a day skipping two days a week. Bettas a really prone to bloat and obesity lol they just want all the food.

I would try to wean him off the bloodworm and only feed them once a week, they are really fatty and dont have much nutritional value. They were definitely good while getting him healthy tho :)
I feed mine 2 pellets once a day skipping two days a week. Bettas a really prone to bloat and obesity lol they just want all the food.

I would try to wean him off the bloodworm and only feed them once a week, they are really fatty and dont have much nutritional value. They were definitely good while getting him healthy tho :)
For sure lol the bloodworms definitely helped. For enrichment during feeding time occasionally I'll move the tweezers and have him chase his meal and he has always moved quicker for the worms. Maybe he'll just enjoy them that much more once a week :)

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