Can you ID this fish

Barry Tetra

Fish Aficionado
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Dec 23, 2019
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it looks like the yellow form of the blue panchax (Aplocheilus panchax).
it looks like the yellow form of the blue panchax (Aplocheilus panchax).
So i guess i was right, so about the fries I got, what should I add in a tank? Substrate, filter?
Rearing tanks for baby fish should contain a thin layer of sand or gravel substrate, an air operated sponge filter, and a heater if required (not an issue for you).

You can have some plants in the tank if you like and then just feed them and do regular water changes.
Rearing tanks for baby fish should contain a thin layer of sand or gravel substrate, an air operated sponge filter, and a heater if required (not an issue for you).

You can have some plants in the tank if you like and then just feed them and do regular water changes.
What is the tank size for them?
It depends on how old the fry are and how many you have.

A couple of newly hatched fry can live in a 2 litre plastic container but 100 fry will need a 2 foot tank. As the fry get older they need more space.

If you only have a couple of little killifish fry like the one in the other thread, they will be fine in a tank that is 12-18 inches long. Have the water level around 6-8 inches so the babies are closer to the food. As they grow you can increase the water level.
Take a look at these videos:

By the way, take note that this fish has a wide mouth.
It will strike/kill other smaller fish especially Guppies.

It likes to stay at the top of the water and it's a good jumper.
It will strike on insects that fall on top of the water or even when you put in new fish.
This is my fry tank right now, its 1 gallons though the problem is fries never eat anything other than nipping Anacharis and mosquitos larvae, what should I do?


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Do you have access to frozen foods like mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, daphnia?
Hatch out brineshrimp eggs and feed them newly hatched brineshrimp.

Try crumbling up flake food into a fine powder and offer a little bit of that.

Boil an egg and use the boiled yolk as food. Push it thru a handkerchief into a small container of dechlorinated water. Stir it up and use an eye dropper to add a small amount of the egg solution to the tank. Keep the rest in the fridge and make a new solution each day.

The babies will pick at microscopic organisms on the plants and that is fine too.

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