Rookie Mistakes (cross posted from another forum)

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Fish Crazy
Apr 5, 2020
Reaction score
North East England
Done a water change yesterday on my 200ltr.

Woke up this morning to see some of my fish, including one of my EBRs, with white patches. I ran through possible diagnoses, from whitespot, to fungal infection, to velvet (I know, "gold dust" disease doesn't represent with white spot/patches), to colunaris. The only things I ruled out were Fish TB and NTD/fNTD.

So, I went to the LPS and got some methalene blue and white spot treatment, wondering what in Earth I was going to do if I was columnaris.

Came home and checked on the fish, and noticed. . .

I'd forgot to switch the filter back on after the WC yesterday. :blush:

Over 10 years in the hobby, and I make a mistake like that! :rolleyes:

Ammonia's 0ppm, but nitrite 0.25ppm. Think I'll treat the tank for fungal infection and keep an eye on the water quality while kicking myself into the middle of next week, calling myself for all the idiots on either side of the Atlantic. :whistle:

So, there you go, Newbies. Even those of us who claim to know what we're doing can screw up something as simple as a water change.
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I hear you!

I just killed about 10 really good Anacharis yesterday because I left them in to little of water. The water evaporated faster than I though and they all died and dried up. :/
A while back I was using the washer drain in the basement for water changes. I'd pull out the washer hose, use the drain, and then put the washer hose back...Until that one time I musta got side tracked and didn't put the washer hose back. Wife used the washer and I spent 2+ hours with a shop vac cleaning up the mess. I now have a small section of garden hose with a quick disconnect that stays in the drain all the time!

I forgot to make my siphon stop sucking water whole I emptied my bucket..... water all over the floor. Family was not pleased
I forgot to make my siphon stop sucking water whole I emptied my bucket..... water all over the floor. Family was not pleased

Ohhhh, dear!

I done something similar to that on Sunday. I think I got syphon-happy and just didn't want to remove it from the tank water, so left it until the bucket was full to the brim. I decided I really, really had to move the syphon when it started to spill over the side of the bucket. :blush:. Luckily I live alone, so no one to be mad at me. :D

My EBR seems to have recovered, fingers crossed, and no more outbreak amongst the neons, so I'm hopeful that I've correctly identified the problem. :)

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