Question on little white things in the tank


New Member
Nov 1, 2019
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Hi there,

In one of my tanks I started to notice little white spots appear on rocks and roots. Initially I thought they may be corydoras eggs, but I am not so sure now that I had a closer look.
I am just wondering whether this is something I need to do something about or whether it is nothing to worry about.
Has anybody seen this before?
The tank is a 120cm river style tank. Currently it has 12 diamond tetras, 7 skunk cords and three L046 zebra plecos.
Are there any nerite snails in the tank? Mine lay eggs which look just like that.
Yes there are. I thought they didn’t breed unless in brackish water. So that is probably it then. Nothing to worry about. I am relieved. Thank you.
They lay eggs in freshwater but they don't hatch. They are stuck on quite hard - you should be able to get them off the rocks, but you'll take the surface off the wood if you try. I know from experience :)
I assume they will disintegrate at some point? Possibly not as quickly as they lay them. Something to think about. I don’t mind a few of them dotted around the tank but it is a bit unsightly to have too many of them.
I have some wood that's had nerite eggs on for years. I have not had two of the same species for a few years now, and a lot of my decor still has eggs from when I did have two the same species. I do occasionally find white things which look like nerite eggs on the sand but not many.
You could try separating the nerites if you have more than one of any species. That's what I had to do in the end. In my main tank I now have 3 nerites, all different species, and no new eggs for ages.

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