Betta bloated, need help

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That food is not going to cause bloat so something else is.

It could be organ failure caused by chemicals or something toxic in the water, or TB, which causes internal organ failure but that is unlikely due to the number of fish you have lost recently. TB tends to kill one fish every now and then, not a lot in a couple of weeks.

Have you managed to get your well water tested by a water testing company yet?

If the tanks are established and have established filters, and you are feeding adult fish, feed them once a day.

If the tanks don't have established filters, then only feed 2-3 times a week.

If you are feeding baby fish, feed them 3-5 times a day.

If you are feeding adult fish and preparing them for breeding, feed them 3-5 times per day for 2-4 weeks before breeding them.
That food is not going to cause bloat so something else is.

It could be organ failure caused by chemicals or something toxic in the water, or TB, which causes internal organ failure but that is unlikely due to the number of fish you have lost recently. TB tends to kill one fish every now and then, not a lot in a couple of weeks.

Have you managed to get your well water tested by a water testing company yet?

If the tanks are established and have established filters, and you are feeding adult fish, feed them once a day.

If the tanks don't have established filters, then only feed 2-3 times a week.

If you are feeding baby fish, feed them 3-5 times a day.

If you are feeding adult fish and preparing them for breeding, feed them 3-5 times per day for 2-4 weeks before breeding them.
I realized that no fish have died in the discus and pleco tank. But Rosy barbs tank always have the bloat problem


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The rosy barb in the picture just looks like a fat female with eggs. Is she still eating normally?
She is the one who eats everything in the tank, algae, plants and anything.
If the fish's stomachs swell up overnight it is an internal bacterial infection.

If their stomachs get bigger over a few weeks and it is not eggs, then it is most likely liver failure or another organ that is enlarged.
If the fish's stomachs swell up overnight it is an internal bacterial infection.

If their stomachs get bigger over a few weeks and it is not eggs, then it is most likely liver failure or another organ that is enlarged.
Is there anyway to cure them?
It depends on what is causing the problem. If it's an internal bacterial infection, then probably not. If it's chemical poisoning, they might recover if the chemicals are removed from the water. The best way to do this is by adding a carbon filter to their tanks and filtering any new water with carbon before it's added to the tanks.

Avoid feeding them live or frozen bloodworms, and don't use any live blackworms or Tubifex worms.
It depends on what is causing the problem. If it's an internal bacterial infection, then probably not. If it's chemical poisoning, they might recover if the chemicals are removed from the water. The best way to do this is by adding a carbon filter to their tanks and filtering any new water with carbon before it's added to the tanks.

Avoid feeding them live or frozen bloodworms, and don't use any live blackworms or Tubifex worms.
They finally eat peas, what to do next? @Colin_T
Fish can't eat too much food. They eat until they are full and then they stop eating.

The only way you can kill fish with too much food is if you leave uneaten food in the tank. Then the water quality goes off and the fish die form that.

The only way fish die from food is if the food has gone off and is contaminated with bacteria.

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