10g. CPDs & WCMMs


Fish Aficionado
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jan 26, 2020
Reaction score
Spica via Regulus
Nice :) I would like to have a white cloud tank. I thought CPDs needed a heater?
Nice :) I would like to have a white cloud tank. I thought CPDs needed a heater?
There is a small heater.
I set up that that tank with heater in December.
I never took it out,; but it was for a 5 g.

The 6g I had the CPDs in before didn't have an aquarium heater, but I kept a small space heater near so it was fine.

When I get.my 20g together I will be transfering the 6 minnows, 4 CPDs, plus (probably 4or 5 more as my LFS just got some). Then I will add more minnows.

UNLESS, I decide to add the Furcata, I have 9,

So, my two 20g plans are:

6WCMM, 5 or 6 CPDs, 2 Amano.
......Due I dare add Furcartas
(The other is the 9 Furcatas move into the newly vacant 10g). If any fry come this is the best thing for them.


6 WXMM, 4 or 5 CPDs, 2 Amano
Plus more of the minnows and danios
I am considering taking advice and getting a bigger group of danios.

What do you think?
I thought about adding other species: BUT I really like how the 10 g group works so smooth as a community.
Or 1 or 2 "statement" fish.
Or a group of small bottom dwellers.

Either way getting rhe tank ready.
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Nice :) I would like to have a white cloud tank. I thought CPDs needed a heater?
White clouds are AWESOME !
Active and hardy
When they are healthy the colors are amazingly, not unlike some of the more flashy neons. Deep pink/rosey. Silver and bronzes. And of course the red and orange-red spots.
When I moved them from a 5g to the 10g I could have cried. They were visibly so jubulient. I now have one of their juveniles, as well. I am pretty sure it's a male.
I was confused because the minnow like cooler water and the CPDs need warmer :)

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