HELP! IYO Tank Mates Biting -or- Fin Rot??

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Apr 9, 2020
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In your opinion am I dealing with the tank mates nipping his fins or with fin rot? Hes black so it's hard to tell. I've moved him to a tank with brand new water and no mates. I need to know if I should go to the store to get medication for him to try to help! Thanks for your input and insight!!
Tank size: 2.5 gal
Tank mates: loach; tetras (2); pleco; zebra danio - lived with these for almost a year
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No other water parameters to show since I dont have that information; I do not do water changes in the tank. See image
Hi, what sized tank?
What tank mates did you have? Bettas really should be kept alone, even if some say they have had success in community tanks.

How often do you do water changes and how much water do you change each time?

Did you test for ammonia/nitrite/ nitrate? If so, What were the levels?

Do a 75% water change every day for two weeks
It looks more like fin rot than tail biting.

The best treatment is big daily water changes and salt.

Do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate every day for a couple of weeks.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

Add 2 heaped tablespoons of rock salt, sea salt, or swimming pool salt for every 20 litres (5 gallons) of tank water. Keep the salt in there for 2 weeks.
If you do water changes, add salt to the new water before adding it to the tank so the salt levels remain stable.
Tank size: 2.5 gal
Tank mates: loach; tetras (2); pleco; zebra danio - lived with these for almost a year
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No other water parameters to show since I dont have that information; I do not do water changes in the tank. See image below:
2.5 gal is too small for fishes like loach and danio, you can kept betta in 2.5 gal but not other fishes.
Tank size: 2.5 gal
Tank mates: loach; tetras (2); pleco; zebra danio - lived with these for almost a year
No new editions
No other water parameters to show since I dont have that information; I do not do water changes in the tank. See image below:

Have I read that right? You don't do any water changes at all? Or do you mean you just haven't done one recently?

Not that uncommon to hear people don't have their test results - but no water changes? The tank is massively overstocked.
Yes I would definitely recommend getting at least a 10 gallon, but a 20-30 would be so much better!
I'm afraid the fish's problems are due to the tank - specifically its size, water conditions and being grossly over stocked.

Most of the fish in your tank should not be there. For example, zebra danios should be kept in a tank at least 3 feet long as they are such fast swimmers.
Loaches, tetras and danios are all shoaling fish which need at least 6 of the same species - in a much bigger tank.

If you wish to save the betta there is only one realistic course.
Remove all the other fish either to a bigger tank or rehome them to shop/another fish keeper.
The betta can survive in 2.5 gallons, though bigger is better. Colin_T has told you how to treat the fin rot, then going forwards you need to change at least half the water every week. If your water supply contains chlorine, you can let the new water stand for a day or two and not need water conditioner, but if your water supplier uses chloramine, that does not gas off and you must use a water conditioner to remove the chlorine.

I'm afraid you cannot keep fish in such a small tank without water changes and not have sick fish. 95% of illnesses are caused by poor water quality, and with so many fish in such a small tank with no water changes, the water quality will be extremely poor.
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