Do snails breed by themselves


Fish Herder
Jun 10, 2019
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I know it's unlikely they do but I just want to double Chek. As you can see my project of growing plants around a tree made of wire metal is going well however its starting to cloud up with algea.

I want to add a snail however I don't want to risk it multiplying and it eating the plants like they did in the other one.

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It depends on the type. Pond snail and apple snail breed like crazy back then I got like 150 snails per week. I would recommended nerite snails as they will only breed in salt and black water, but can live in freshwater aswell (but not breed in freshwater)
Thanks for the suggestion, I might stick to the trumpet ones they dont breed quickly, as for nirite there is one on ebay for a whopping £111!

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I'm i luck, I just went to find some trumpet snails from the Drinks dispenser aquarium and saw a particular snail in there that is all by itself, its also small and hasnt grown at all since I first came across it some point last year. This is ideal then because it will have enough food from the algae and wont breed.
Mystery snails and apple snails will eat plants. trumpet snails, pond snails, bladder snails, nerites, and ramshorn won’t.
I might stick to the trumpet ones they dont breed quickly

Malaysian trumpet snails do breed - they give birth to live offspring. The speed with which they breed depends on how much food they have. They also spend most of the day in the substrate and are not particularly good algae eaters.

No creature (fish, snail or shrimp) will eat every type of algae, and there are some types of algae that nothing will eat.
Malaysian trumpet snails do breed - they give birth to live offspring. The speed with which they breed depends on how much food they have. They also spend most of the day in the substrate and are not particularly good algae eaters.

No creature (fish, snail or shrimp) will eat every type of algae, and there are some types of algae that nothing will eat.
Is there anyway to get rid of snails? My snails are quite smart they wont go in the trap. :(
Assassins are illegal in some countries/states but I do not know if Thailand is among those countries.

Assassins do breed but much slower than the 'pest' snails.

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