Photos of my Peppers


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Mar 22, 2020
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North America
Took some photos last night of my peppered cories. I got 8 of them, so not photos of each of them, but still, theyre cute.

Is pic #2 an albino?
Yes, i have 2 albino peppers. In another tank i got 2 albino bronze with my bronze shoal too.

Funny watching the petstore worker chase after the "different" albino cory!
Spotting the albino peppers in the albino bronze tank at the store is amusing to me
Yes, i have 2 albino peppers. In another tank i got 2 albino bronze with my bronze shoal too.

Funny watching the petstore worker chase after the "different" albino cory!
Spotting the albino peppers in the albino bronze tank at the store is amusing to me
I have NEVER seen albino peleatus at any fish store, much less mixed in with the albino aeneus.
Are they really that abnormal to find??

Some other photos off my phone of my two albino paleatus

I have NEVER seen albino peleatus at any fish store, much less mixed in with the albino aeneus.
Check your local petsmart close. Thats where i found mine.

To compare both side by side

The albino is impressive - all of them so well behaved and comfortable with the camera. I once had 3 peppered Cory's (one left) but they slept in a stack on top of each other. Don't know why - they had plenty of room but it was too funny to see. Great little fish.
Cories like to cramp in on one another. I keep many species and they all do it.

They like to be close, I have seen that too
I used to have albino cories. Most of the shoal died off over time and the remaining one ate 5 of my neons and then died
Yes, i have 2 albino peppers. In another tank i got 2 albino bronze with my bronze shoal too.

Funny watching the petstore worker chase after the "different" albino cory!
Spotting the albino peppers in the albino bronze tank at the store is amusing to me
Thats interesting. I didn't know you could tell the difference (I have never owned albino corries so haven't looked). How do you tell, body shape?
Thats interesting. I didn't know you could tell the difference (I have never owned albino corries so haven't looked). How do you tell, body shape?
Body is more slender, and fin shape is different.
Thats interesting. I didn't know you could tell the difference (I have never owned albino corries so haven't looked). How do you tell, body shape?
Body shape is one key. Peppers tend to have longer bodies and longer faces, as well as taller sharper pointed fins compared to bronze.

In good light you can see the markings on them are different too. Bronze have a bright shine where the dark smudge would be on a normal coloured one. Peppers have broken shiny spots, where the dark spots would be on a normal pepper.

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