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Nov 13, 2018
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This pearl gourami seems to have pretty bad fin rot on it's too fin and what seems to be fungus on it's eye and on it's front two fin bases. treating with eSha gdex and eSha 2000 any ideas
Hi, @Colin_T is our disease guy so he should be able to help, but I can get you started :)
What size tank?

Is there any other fish in the tank? What kinds?

Have you tested for ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite? If so what are the test results?

How often you you do a water change and what volume of water do you change each time?

How long has this been going on?
Thank you for your quick reply
The tank is a 60 liter long with an Eheim classic 250. Ammonia and nitrites are 0 ppm nitrates are 5 or 6 ppm. I do water changes every 2-3 weeks and about 30-40 %. The tank is stocked with 4 corydoras 2 pearl gouramis and a bristle nose pleco and a few plants. This has affected my neon tetras sadly they died all though they were old and I think it could've been neon tetra disease and possible fin rot and about a few weeks ago I noticed it on the pearl. Along with what seemed like fungus but I'm not sure. No sign of it on the corys or pleco.
Do a daily water change of 50-70% for 1 week. This will help this problem and help prevent a secondary infection. Most members on this forum change 50% weekly so I would reccomend upping your water changes to help with this is the future :)
Should I wait until the treatment is over or just do the changes anyway? And any recommendations if the esha stuff doesn't work. Any ideas on whatever that stuff on his eye is?
How long is left on the treatment?
It's a tumour on the pectoral fin and either bacterial or protozoan infection on the dorsal fin. There's no cure for tumours or growths.

You can try salt for the dorsal fin.
Add 2 heaped tablespoons of rock salt, sea salt or swimming pool salt for every 20 litres of water. Keep salt in tank for 2-4 weeks.

If you do a water change while using salt, add salt to the buckets of new water before adding it to the tank so the salt level stays the same.

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