unfamiliar red thing sticking out from the bottom of my angelfish

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Mar 17, 2020
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I hope this is the right category to post this in, but I just noticed this in my angelfish and I'm desperate to know if this is a serious matter or if its normal? In that case, what is happening to it?
Thanks in advance and sorry for the awful pictures, couldnt get any better ones but I'll take more if its needed :(
- L


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Welcome to the forum! This is most definitely NOT normal. @Colin_T is most familiar with this sort of things. Meanwhile you will need to answer some questions:)
What size tank?
Was the tank cycled?
What tank mates does he have?
What are your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels?
How often do you do water changes?
How much water do you change each time?
How long have you had the fish?
Do any other fish show Similar symptoms?
Could she be spawning? I searched for "pictures of angel fish spawning" and there was on with the same long red string hanging out (most were white like poop). I didn't see one where the actual uterus or equivalent came out of the fishes body along with the string of spawn (or whatever it is) - certainly is interested but I'd be worried.
It doesn't look like spawning to me
The fish's intestine has popped out of its butt. There's not much you can do about it except don't feed for a couple of days and hope it goes back in by itself. If it doesn't, the fish usually dies.
The fish's intestine has popped out of its butt. There's not much you can do about it except don't feed for a couple of days and hope it goes back in by itself. If it doesn't, the fish usually dies.
Would large water changes help?
Welcome to the forum! This is most definitely NOT normal. @Colin_T is most familiar with this sort of things. Meanwhile you will need to answer some questions:)
What size tank?
Was the tank cycled?
What tank mates does he have?
What are your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels?
How often do you do water changes?
How much water do you change each time?
How long have you had the fish?
Do any other fish show Similar symptoms?

Thank you for the welcome! I figured it wasn't normal, ive been looking around on the internet and I cant find anything similair to it yet.. I'm really worried for the little one.

What size tank? - 90 liters

Was the tank cycled? - Yes! Got instructions from the fish expert at my local pet store and followed them all.

What tank mates does he have? - Guppies, neon tetras, chinese algae eaters, kuhli loaches, clown loaches, albino cory catfish, congo etra and glass catfish. (Currently working on getting a bigger tank for the clown loachies)

What are your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels? - I only know the NO2 levels and the scale puts it at 0,05, its not the best but an improvement from what it used to be..

How often do you do water changes? - Every other week.

How much water do you change each time? - Around 25% of the water

How long have you had the fish? - We've had them for about half a year but I got full responsibility of them ca 2 months ago, so I havent kept much track of them prior to that.

Do any other fish show Similar symptoms? - No! They're all very healthy looking

EDIT: Welp.. looks like we already got the answer..
Large water changes won’t help with that. It will prevent bacteria buildup though to fight off infection.
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The fish's intestine has popped out of its butt. There's not much you can do about it except don't feed for a couple of days and hope it goes back in by itself. If it doesn't, the fish usually dies.

Thank you very much for the answer. I wont feed it for a few days and I'll cross my fingers hoping it will make it :( Is there a reason this happens, perhaps something I may have done wrong?
Thank you very much for the answer. I wont feed it for a few days and I'll cross my fingers hoping it will make it :( Is there a reason this happens, perhaps something I may have done wrong?
I dont think you didnt anything wrong, most members change 50% of their water weekly and your tank appears to be very heavily stocked so I would reccomend doing that.
How many of each fish you mentioned above do you have?
Is there a reason this happens, perhaps something I may have done wrong?
It's caused by poor genetics and inbreeding. The people that produce these fish in Asia are screwing the fish up.

They find a nice fish and breed it with its relatives to make a new strain of whatever fish, in this case it's angelfish. The inbreeding creates the new strain of fish but also encourages bad genetic defects like the intestine popping out.

It's a lottery when you buy fish these days. The more inbred, the more chance of weird stuff happening with them.

Feeding fish a varied diet can help reduce this from occurring but it's no guarantee.
I dont think you didnt anything wrong, most members change 50% of their water weekly and your tank appears to be very heavily stocked so I would reccomend doing that.

I agree with you. I'm currently in the process of selling some of the fishes to reduce the fish population. They were all included when we got the tank and I was never a fan of how extremely varied it was..
Thank you though, I will be doing a water change next thing in the morning. ^_^

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