Babies and Mommy (or Daddy) - take a guess on what they are

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Jan Cavalieri

Fish Addict
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Jun 2, 2019
Reaction score
Topeka, KS
These little guys and gals are (I think) about a month or so old - it's all we could rescue from the tank after hatching - we are ok with that because their parents and friends are rather bad tempered and now we have 3 more! Already practicing bumping each other around. Mom and Dad are about 6" long each.
The first 3 are baby pictures and the forth is either their mama or papa. Another clue they are baby blue in color.

Baby picture 1.jpg
Baby picture 2.jpg
Baby picture 3.jpg
Mom or Dad.jpg
Cute! I love gourami, my mom had a tank when she was younger with a yellow male and a blue female, they had purple fry!
They grow pretty fast, my fry are still small compared to their parents. Had to put them in a fry cage to protect them from nipping. They are a month old too.
They are 3 spotted Gourami. Although one of the parents you can barely see the extra dot, that's true with the babies as well - so it could be a mix. My other two blue gourami have a stronger marbled effect to their scales but no extra dot - from what was written on the bag when they sent to me it said "Opoline Gouami" which I hadn't ordered. . I cleaned their tank today and took tank stats (all perfect) so I was recording them in my log book and noticed they are exactly 1 month old since we found them. They swim very fast - so do their parents which just reinforces my opinion that I am abusing these fish by keeping them in such a small tank. I can afford a larger one and with a LOT of work make room for them but investing that much money on 6 fish (now 9) that have zero entertainment value and just make the whole tank miserable just doesn't seem worth it. Nobody responded to my "FREE" AD and now with us all in lockdown nobody with have anything to do with each other - except the stupid parents letting their kids play basketball games together - I guess they haven't figured out whey they were let out of school LOL.

Boy, last night I was finishing up on cleaning mom and dad's tank when the Tiger Gourami had a MAJOR TEMPER TANTRUM she swam towards me and smacked the whole front of her head and body on the water, clear to the ground splashing a massive amount of water. She's the one that always trys to escape with ever water change and flys in my assistant's face, eliciting a huge scream from her (my assistant, not the fish). Makes me laugh every time.
They are 3 spotted Gourami. Although one of the parents you can barely see the extra dot, that's true with the babies as well - so it could be a mix. My other two blue gourami have a stronger marbled effect to their scales but no extra dot - from what was written on the bag when they sent to me it said "Opoline Gouami" which I hadn't ordered. . I cleaned their tank today and took tank stats (all perfect) so I was recording them in my log book and noticed they are exactly 1 month old since we found them. They swim very fast - so do their parents which just reinforces my opinion that I am abusing these fish by keeping them in such a small tank. I can afford a larger one and with a LOT of work make room for them but investing that much money on 6 fish (now 9) that have zero entertainment value and just make the whole tank miserable just doesn't seem worth it. Nobody responded to my "FREE" AD and now with us all in lockdown nobody with have anything to do with each other - except the stupid parents letting their kids play basketball games together - I guess they haven't figured out whey they were let out of school LOL.

Boy, last night I was finishing up on cleaning mom and dad's tank when the Tiger Gourami had a MAJOR TEMPER TANTRUM she swam towards me and smacked the whole front of her head and body on the water, clear to the ground splashing a massive amount of water. She's the one that always trys to escape with ever water change and flys in my assistant's face, eliciting a huge scream from her (my assistant, not the fish). Makes me laugh every time.
Try posting on ebay for like 1$+shipping, explain why you are selling them so people dont think it's a scam. Or you could put a free ad on craigslist and offer to deliver it to their doorstep?
They are all nasty fish as far as I'm concerned - actually, having wached pyrannas eat they aren't anything like that aggressive. All were mistakes of the fishing company - I was trying to get two white Gourami's they had and I had never seen one before. Apparently, neither had they because they kept shipping full size Blue Gourami's. The 5th one is Tiger Gourami and I must have made that mistake but I would not have ordered her knowing her size (nearing 8 inches - I told her tonight that she's just fed up and claustrophobic. The sixth one was sold to me when I was first shopping for Gourami's - and he told me this fish is the only Gourami they had (nothing was labled), now the man has been in the fish business for 40 yrs I think he knows a cichlid from a gourami and she will approach 1 ft long unless she stop growing. I call her "Hot lips" because her lips are so big. And she was only $8 or $12 - he was just barely ripping me off but he knew what he was doing. Bought some other fish from him and ALL of them died. Did a water change in case there was a problem (there wasn't) and they refused to take them back because I had told them I had done a water change and they wanted a water sample at the time of all the fishes deaths. Damn local store has nothing written out plus they rip you off - you don't go back but I needed some black gravel really badly so I sent my assistant over there (Pet's Mart had like NO GRAVEL or SAND, same with PETCO.) But Mr Ripoff did - so we bought that and ordered a second bag from Amazon.

If I offered to ship free - it would have to be overnight in a cooler with ice or heat pack depending on where they are going - that costs about $40-50, I know because I buy fish that way all the time since we have nothing here. I don't do Craig's List alone in this city - we've had so many criminals, even a cop got shot by the buyer of the guns he was selling - CRAZY. But I think they just aren't interesting enough and they are so big - nobody wants to provide room for them. If you bought one they'd only be about $8.99 a fish. I'm really shocked they are breeding since the tank conditions are far from optimal and I always thought the tank had to be a great set up before they'd reproduce. I''ve got a M and F Lemon Yellow Bristlenose Pleco and a M and F Tomasi Pleco and they won't have anything to do with each other. Those would be easy to sell.
I'm tempted to put another "Free" ad in the paper - the ad is free too, so no cost to me - Kansas has only been very marginally hit so I think there would be little risk - even if I could just get rid of a couple of them - like the Cichlid and Tiger Gourami, that would lower the aggression in the tank to next to nothing - the other Gourami aren't very aggressive at all except when being pursued. It's the other two that are the more aggressive but they should also be the most desirable in appearance. Unfortunately the free ad's don't allow you to include any pictures. But I'm thinking in the next month or two the pandemic will likely start to hit Kansas much harder and the risk much greater. I could always email them with pictures and then set the fish on my front porch for them to pick up. They cannot live like this but they so outsize the fish in the tank that has room in it - and the other tank has 3 Pearl Gourami's that get extremely stressed with the least little aggressive behavior. I just want to do what is right for all the fish - even though they were "mistakes" they are my responsibility.

On the other hand, I could buy an aquarium and stand off of Amazon - they cost more than the stores here but the stores are curb side service and don't deliver. I know Amazon is prioritizing shipping right now but personally I think something else is going on (like a bunch walked off the job) because it's not like I'm getting 2 weeks to ship instead of 2 days but it's 2 MONTH estimated shipping. Something is just wrong about that. I know it's not the Post Office (yet) because I am receiving something from Frezno California in 3 business days - that's the usual time it takes to ship between CA and KS. I can't believe Amazon is out of stock on EVERYTHING I try to order - so this must be a staffing problem on their part or a really good excuse to be lazy - so if I order an aquarium now I'll likely have 2 months to prepare my house for it. My guess too is that these fish may actually be quite beautiful with enough space to spread out. Besides space I have to look at power - this is a 60 yr old duplex with 2 outlets per room.
I'm tempted to put another "Free" ad in the paper - the ad is free too, so no cost to me - Kansas has only been very marginally hit so I think there would be little risk - even if I could just get rid of a couple of them - like the Cichlid and Tiger Gourami, that would lower the aggression in the tank to next to nothing - the other Gourami aren't very aggressive at all except when being pursued. It's the other two that are the more aggressive but they should also be the most desirable in appearance. Unfortunately the free ad's don't allow you to include any pictures. But I'm thinking in the next month or two the pandemic will likely start to hit Kansas much harder and the risk much greater. I could always email them with pictures and then set the fish on my front porch for them to pick up. They cannot live like this but they so outsize the fish in the tank that has room in it - and the other tank has 3 Pearl Gourami's that get extremely stressed with the least little aggressive behavior. I just want to do what is right for all the fish - even though they were "mistakes" they are my responsibility.

On the other hand, I could buy an aquarium and stand off of Amazon - they cost more than the stores here but the stores are curb side service and don't deliver. I know Amazon is prioritizing shipping right now but personally I think something else is going on (like a bunch walked off the job) because it's not like I'm getting 2 weeks to ship instead of 2 days but it's 2 MONTH estimated shipping. Something is just wrong about that. I know it's not the Post Office (yet) because I am receiving something from Frezno California in 3 business days - that's the usual time it takes to ship between CA and KS. I can't believe Amazon is out of stock on EVERYTHING I try to order - so this must be a staffing problem on their part or a really good excuse to be lazy - so if I order an aquarium now I'll likely have 2 months to prepare my house for it. My guess too is that these fish may actually be quite beautiful with enough space to spread out. Besides space I have to look at power - this is a 60 yr old duplex with 2 outlets per room.
I think the ad would be a good idea. Yes amazon warehouses are very crowded with many high risk people working who have stepped down during this to help keep themselves and their families safe
Pretty hard to tell from the photos. Males are usually smaller than females, if that helps. :)

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