Hey guys, I’m pretty new to this whole hobby and am still trying to learn the ropes. I have a 10 gallon tank with 6 guppies (now 5) , 1 panda platy and 2 stripped catfish. (I plan on upgrading to a bigger tank in a month). And I recently had one guppie die due To what I think was fin rot, the guppie that died had been sucked on by the filter so by the time I noticed his fin wasn’t able to keep him afloat due to fin rot he was already damaged by the filter so I buried him . But now I’m looking out for the rest of my fish and I’m not sure if I should be worried about how one of them looks, the guppie that died looked just like this one. I’m currently treating the tank with Melafix because I’m scared my other fish might have fin rot. But here’s a photo of the guppie I’m worried about, he might have mouth rot. I could be wrong
I know my ammonia was high throughout the tank so I did a water change and keep and am now using a gravel vacuum to get the stuff under the rocks. I’ve been putting in stabilizer with good bacteria to have my cycle in. Can you guys let me know if my fish has anything? You can see his mouth alittle darker and has a green -yellow tint on him and greenish on his dorsal fin.
thank you!
I know my ammonia was high throughout the tank so I did a water change and keep and am now using a gravel vacuum to get the stuff under the rocks. I’ve been putting in stabilizer with good bacteria to have my cycle in. Can you guys let me know if my fish has anything? You can see his mouth alittle darker and has a green -yellow tint on him and greenish on his dorsal fin.
thank you!