corydoras or loaches + stocking

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Fish Addict
Jan 30, 2020
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Hi I am planning the stocking of my futur 30 gallon and I would like your opinion on the best fish (corydoras or loach) I could have. My dream aquarium:
-There will be the paradise fish I already have (female so less agressive and territorial)
-I love biotope aquarium so I think I have a preference for loaches because they come from Asia like paradise fish.
-some schooling fish ( I don't know wich species, give me ideas please!)
Depends a lot on what type of fish. Just looking at the fish you mention long would be better since they like to swim and long gives you more territory.
ok good this is what I was also thinking but I was not sure.
Most of the botine loaches become too large, or are two active/boistrous, to work here given the tank space and the Paradise fish. Corydoras would be one option, but if you want to stay in SE Asia, the dwarf banded loach, Micronemacheilus cruciatus, should be good. A group of five or six minimum. I had this loach for several years, and it was one of the most peaceful I have ever seen. You might have to acquire it onlione unless you livee near a good fish store, as I do not believe it is very common in the hobby. It needs chunks of wood with tunnels, like the Malaysian Driftwood. They used to play tag through these tunnels. But they never went near upper fish, and I had small rasboras and pygmy sparkling gourami in the tank.

For upper shoaling fish, rasboras always suite anabantids as the rasboras are quiet, peaceful, and tend to be mid-water level. With the upper level anabantid(s), and the lower level loaches, quite a nice tank.

The photo below is not the best, but that is the loach mentioned.


  • Micronemacheilus cruciatus.jpg
    Micronemacheilus cruciatus.jpg
    11.3 KB · Views: 100
Most of the botine loaches become too large, or are two active/boistrous, to work here given the tank space and the Paradise fish. Corydoras would be one option, but if you want to stay in SE Asia, the dwarf banded loach, Micronemacheilus cruciatus, should be good. A group of five or six minimum. I had this loach for several years, and it was one of the most peaceful I have ever seen. You might have to acquire it onlione unless you livee near a good fish store, as I do not believe it is very common in the hobby. It needs chunks of wood with tunnels, like the Malaysian Driftwood. They used to play tag through these tunnels. But they never went near upper fish, and I had small rasboras and pygmy sparkling gourami in the tank.

For upper shoaling fish, rasboras always suite anabantids as the rasboras are quiet, peaceful, and tend to be mid-water level. With the upper level anabantid(s), and the lower level loaches, quite a nice tank.

The photo below is not the best, but that is the loach mentioned.
Hi thank you for the reply, I will make some research on the loach you mentionned but if I can't get it in store I don't think I would buy online because I am on a budjet. Would kuhli loach or rosy loach work also? I would love to have zebra loach but as you said they would get too big. I really like the kuhli but I am scared I would not see them because they are shy and nocturnal from what I read online. I made a research for the rasboras species and I really like the lambchop rasboras :)
Hi thank you for the reply, I will make some research on the loach you mentionned but if I can't get it in store I don't think I would buy online because I am on a budjet. Would kuhli loach or rosy loach work also? I would love to have zebra loach but as you said they would get too big. I really like the kuhli but I am scared I would not see them because they are shy and nocturnal from what I read online. I made a research for the rasboras species and I really like the lambchop rasboras :)

If the Rosy Loach is the species Petruichthys sp. 'rosy' it may be fine. I have not myself seen or kept this species, but here is some data; it needs more, SF recommends 8 minimum, but I don't see any problems per say.

The kuhlii you may never see. They are very nocturnal most of the time. And nocturnal fish can annoy upper fish. I personally would not.

The rasbora species (there are three of them) in Trigonstigma are lovely fish. T. heteromorpha the common Harlequin, T. espei (presumably the lambchop) and T. hengeli.
If the Rosy Loach is the species Petruichthys sp. 'rosy' it may be fine. I have not myself seen or kept this species, but here is some data; it needs more, SF recommends 8 minimum, but I don't see any problems per say.

The kuhlii you may never see. They are very nocturnal most of the time. And nocturnal fish can annoy upper fish. I personally would not.

The rasbora species (there are three of them) in Trigonstigma are lovely fish. T. heteromorpha the common Harlequin, T. espei (presumably the lambchop) and T. hengeli.
Yes I was talking about the Petruichthys sp. rosy, also espei and lambchop rasboras are the same thing. Thank you for your help!
Hi yesterday I saw some albinos paradise fish at my LFS and they looked pretty cool so I was wondering if in a 30 gallon I could also have one. Would two female paradise fish together be agressive?
Hi yesterday I saw some albinos paradise fish at my LFS and they looked pretty cool so I was wondering if in a 30 gallon I could also have one. Would two female paradise fish together be agressive?

This is from my profile on the species.

Not a good community fish for the average aquarium. Smaller fish will be eaten, fins will be nipped, and any similar-looking fish will be attacked. Very aggressive with its own, males in breeding form will often kill rivals; females are less aggressive. Best kept as a pair (male/female) on its own.
This is from my profile on the species.

Not a good community fish for the average aquarium. Smaller fish will be eaten, fins will be nipped, and any similar-looking fish will be attacked. Very aggressive with its own, males in breeding form will often kill rivals; females are less aggressive. Best kept as a pair (male/female) on its own.
So I guess it is better to have just one PF with medium size fish? Would this stocking work:
5 corydoras ( I don't know wich)
5 otocinclus
8 rasboras or tetra ( I don't know wich)
So I guess it is better to have just one PF with medium size fish? Would this stocking work:
5 corydoras ( I don't know wich)
5 otocinclus
8 rasboras or tetra ( I don't know wich)
Up the corries to 6

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