10 New Fish

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Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
Oct 29, 2018
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As some of you know, I had been fighting something in my community tank that was killing my fish for a couple of months. I changed the substrate and completely cleaned the tank 2-3 weeks ago and the deaths have finally stopped. So today I bought new fish:
4 long finned leopard danios
3 neon tetras
3 glo light tetras
I now have all of my schoals back in groups of 6 again. The new ones are currently in QT.
Wish me luck!


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Nice mix of blue. I had light blue gravel in my 55 gallon before I changed it to a more natural looking. The blue matched the living room furniture which made my wife happy. ;)
Nice mix of blue. I had light blue gravel in my 55 gallon before I changed it to a more natural looking. The blue matched the living room furniture which made my wife happy. ;)
That’s actually the quarantine tank but I do have it in 3 tanks. Very peaceful. The permanent tank that these guys are going in has black gravel.
I thought about getting black gravel for my ghost shrimp tank but had left over new gravel from redoing my 55 gallon tank . I have to pick up a couple neon tetras to bring my numbers back up to 15 but holding off-the neon tetra have not been looking good at LFS lately. I have 10 glow light tetras and it looks like one fry. I hope to increase them to 15.
Didn't know about your dilemma. It is always a bummer and a drag. Especially so when it happens to an experienced aquarist such as yourself. But these things happen and it will happen to all of us at some point down the road. What always gives me concern with new fish is that waiting period that I impose upon myself when I feel like I can finally be comfortable knowing that they are OK and will live. I hope your new fish live long and prosper Madame'.
I lost several neon and a couple ember tetras but none of my glow light tetra recently. They must be a hardier fish, I was vacuuming my tetra tank and my glow light fry came out of his hiding spot in the floating hornwort. Fast little guy, He zipped around for a minute and disappeared into the hornwort again. A couple of glow lights took interest but did not chase him, they just swam close then swam away.:fish:
Here is a picture I took a few days ago, at night he comes out and sits on the edge of the floating hornwort. He is close to 1/2 inch long.


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Now I found two of them:yahoo:, I am pretty sure the 2nd one is also a glow light tetra, They are good at hiding in the hornwort. :fish:
Could have a fair few more in that horwort of yours. Proper little baby creche that is :hyper:

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