(male) Blue lobster cray (female) Orange king crayfish... Baby's coming soon !!!

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Feb 5, 2020
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welland ontario
i was thinking about just putting a Anubias nana - a slow growing plant that i saw at Costco and just removing the dirt and rinsing it off really good then putting it in the tank dumb idea?
Anubias nana is a nice plant. I have several types of ferns attached to rock and driftwood and my castle. I just use gravel and plant tabs for my rooted plants like African Swords, soil wears out after a year or two. Then there are plants like Anacharis and water sprite that like ferns absorb what they need from the water and I feed them with flourish comp.
You need some plants in the tanks. Crayfish like plant matter in their diet and the tetras and gourami will feel more secure and show better colours with plants in their tank.

Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides/ cornuta) is a floating plant that can also be planted in the substrate. If it grows too much on the surface of the tetra tank, plant some in the crayfish tank and let him eat it.
You need some plants in the tanks. Crayfish like plant matter in their diet and the tetras and gourami will feel more secure and show better colours with plants in their tank.

Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides/ cornuta) is a floating plant that can also be planted in the substrate. If it grows too much on the surface of the tetra tank, plant some in the crayfish tank and let him eat it.
Crayfish will eat all of plant in the tank too.
Anubias nana is a nice plant. I have several types of ferns attached to rock and driftwood and my castle. I just use gravel and plant tabs for my rooted plants like African Swords, soil wears out after a year or two. Then there are plants like Anacharis and water sprite that like ferns absorb what they need from the water and I feed them with flourish comp.

maybe i should get a bunch of driftwood and lay them out through out the tank and i got gravel i was thinking about just putting the roots in water and the leaves in the air... or maybe i should put the roots under the gravel? my first tank i ever did i bought live plants from the pet store and i mean they worked to keep the water clean and everything but i also had all types of barbs and which i had two red ruby barbs which were just killers lol in there and two African albino clawed frogs and Cory cats and two glass catfish which i though were cool but not really you couldn't really see them that well...
what kinda plants can you put in your tank that you can buy from the store and that are safe ???
With your crayfish I would have floating plants like the anacharis you can also "plant" it and it grows fast and is cheap. Try a fern like java fern attached on top of the cave and on the driftwood. I would take it slow with the plants to see what the crayfish do.The crayfish I had was like a bulldozer after awhile. I had plastic plants back then so him eating them was not an issue but he liked to push everything around so my tank changed everyday except for the cave of rocks I had made for him on one end of the tank. Like @Colin_T mentioned crayfish do eat plants, I am not sure which ones crayfish prefer. Plants are also important for fish. Hopefully there will be plants that the crayfish will leave alone.
With your crayfish I would have floating plants like the anacharis you can also "plant" it and it grows fast and is cheap. Try a fern like java fern attached on top of the cave and on the driftwood. I would take it slow with the plants to see what the crayfish do.The crayfish I had was like a bulldozer after awhile. I had plastic plants back then so him eating them was not an issue but he liked to push everything around so my tank changed everyday except for the cave of rocks I had made for him on one end of the tank. Like @Colin_T mentioned crayfish do eat plants, I am not sure which ones crayfish prefer. Plants are also important for fish. Hopefully there will be plants that the crayfish will leave alone.

the hide i got him had fake plants and he just cut them off but ill try those plants
Crayfish are interesting pets and yours have beautiful colors. You may end up having to have plastic plants which are not as good but would help the fish. Good luck.

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