Dwarf guarami problems


New Member
Feb 29, 2020
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Houston Texas
I have a blue dwarf guarami in my tank that is not eating even when I put food right in front of him, and is losing color from his back end.i don’t know what to do and I need some help.
I have a 20 gallon long with 2 mollies 2 sunburst platties 2 dwarf guaramis (including that one) 2 cory Catfish a rubber lip Pleco and a neon tetra
These are Some pics of the guarami


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It has a bacterial infection eating away the back half of its body (the cream area before the tail and on the tail).

It's also really skinny.

If it has stopped feeding, I would euthanise it. Then do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate every day for 2 weeks. Then do a 75% water change and gravel clean once a week from then on.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

Avoid buying dwarf gouramis (Colisa
lalius) or any of their colour forms because they have all sorts of issues like the Iridovirus, that can't be treated.
Thanks for the information, just wondering if this bacterial infection is contagious for the other fish and if I should replace it with another or not
All bacterial infections are contagious to other fish in that tank.

If you do a big water change and gravel clean the substrate every day for a couple of weeks, you will dilute the number of disease organisms in the tank and reduce the chance of other fish getting sick.

Don't get any more dwarf gouramis, especially for that tank. And if a fish ever dies, do not add any more fish for at least one month after it has died.
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Is there any some sort of chemical or medicine that can remove that bacteria or is the only thing you can do is water changes. One more question is after you take water out of the fish tank and dump it out, how much time do I need to let the water conditioner sit in the new water that is in the container
A broad spectrum fish medication that treats bacteria, fungus and protozoan infections, might treat the bacterial infection. But if the fish has stopped eating, it's usually too late to treat it.

If a broad spectrum fish medication does not work, then you need anti-biotics, which often require a vet to prescribe them.

Dechlorinators will neutralise chlorine/ chloramine as soon as they come in contact with each other. However, it can take some time for the dechlorinator to come in contact with all the chlorine/ chloramine molecules in the water. Aerating the water and dechlorinator for at least 5 minutes will normally allow all the chlorine/ chloramine to be neutralised.

Aerating the tap water also helps get the dissolved gasses in the water back to normal levels. It's best to aerate new tap water for 30 minutes or more to allow the gasses to get back to normal.

I recommend making up the new water before doing the water change. That way the dechlorinator can neutralise the chlorine/ chloramine, and the dissolved gasses can stabilise while you gravel clean and drain the tank.

Basically you get a fish bucket and add dechlorinator, fill with tap water. Add an airstone and let it bubble away. Then use another bucket to do the gravel cleaning and draining the water out. Then add the dechlorinated water to fill the tank back up.
Don’t add another gourami, add 4 more corries of the same type and 5 more neon tetras.
I once had dwarf gouramis, and they were BEAUTIFUL! But they sadly died after a month or two :( I hope your dwarf gourami gets better!:)
I will definitely change the water often and I will try to buy some medication. Thanks so much for all the feedback
The fish is pretty sick now and I don’t want the bacteria to spread so do you think it would be ok to put the fish in one of the 5 gallon Home Depot buckets
You need to protect the other fish so in my opinion move the sick fish, I would continue doing water changes. Good luck
@Colin_T i bought some api e.m. ERYTHROMYCIN and put 2 in my 20 gallon and a pack in the Home Depot bucket and was wondering if you think that this medicine would help or not.
Been thru this years ago. It’s the breeding, not all on you.
order of operations would be move the fish, if it can’t be saved. 2.
3try something like melofix, remember to get rid of any carbon filters first.
4 when the treatment is done, another partial water change. And you’ll need to probably add bacteria since meds often wipe out good and bad bacteria

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