Does my guppy look to be squaring off?

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May 17, 2019
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I'm trying to figure out if my guppy is pregnant or just fat. I saw a couple threads about tape worms but she shows no signs of white poop. She had a batch recently (only 1 fry made it), but I'm not sure if she's pregnant again. If she is, does she look like she's squaring off?
Looks like she is pregnant and squaring off. She looks like she is going to give birth very soon. How long since she had her last batch of fry?
Looks like she is pregnant and squaring off. She looks like she is going to give birth very soon. How long since she had her last batch of fry?
I agree she looks like she's due soon
You have a nice little brood of fry. My guppies had 9 fry a week or so ago. Nice thing so far they seem to leave the fry alone unlike ofter fish that eat them .
I did a water change today and it looks like all 9 survived so far, another female looks pregnant. I have 8 adult guppies in a 30 gallon tank with my ghost shrimp. I hope the guppies do not have too many more babies and over crowd my tank.

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