can anyone help me identify this catfish?


New Member
Jul 25, 2019
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hello i just bought a bunch of plants and this little guy and he (she?) moves really fast so i’m sorry fic the pics are a little blurry. and my water is murky rn cuz of all the kick up from planting 11 new plants and the fertilizing soil onthe bottom of my tank. this fella was the only one of his species in the whole store so i will wait about a week before going back and trying to find him/her 1-2 more buddies of the same species but i cannot remember what the store employee said this species was. any help at all is greatly appreciated! it’s silver sir he bpack spots and the belly is white/silver. thank u ! and i haven’t been on in a while
It's a synodontis, though I can't tell which species form the photos, I'm afraid.
The barbels are very long, suggesting to me a Pimodella pictus? Clearer photos would help though.
Byron is much better at fish ID than me :)
Well, sometimes maybe. :drinks:

Of much more importance, I failed to respond to the rest of post #1. If this is a pictus, it is peaceful but it is predatory and as it matures it will eat small fish. It should be kept in a small group of at least 5; single fish may pine away. Tankmates should not include sedate fish like angels, discus, gourami and even other cichlids as these will be pestered by the nocturnal habits of this catfish, nor nippy fish like barbs. Medium-sized characins, larger rasbora, rainbowfish are suitable. The fish attains five inches (12 cm) and needs at least a 4-foot (120 cm) length tank for the group.

Feeds on aquatic invertebrates (insect larvae and crustaceans) and small fish in its habitat. In the aquarium they will accept most foods, and are very greedy feeders so care must be taken not to overfeed. Sinking foods, frozen bloodworms [an ideal food to acclimate new fish to the tank, but only once every couple of weeks after that], live worms including small earthworms. One good feeding will last it several days. Goes into a feeding frenzy when food is placed in the aquarium, and this alone can stress out other fish especially sedate species.

Given the above, not knowing your tank size nor the other fish, this species may not be suited and this one should go back if that is the case.

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