Cherry shrimp dropped eggs


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Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 19, 2019
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Houston Texas
So I have two shrimp one cherry and one what I thought/was told was a Amano shrimp. I didn’t know the sexes but one day I saw a sac of yellow eggs on a leaf. After research I now know my cherry is a female but from reading online they can’t breed with a Amano shrimp? My sucker fish ate the eggs And now she is hiding and seems very skiddish which isn’t like her and seems to be constantly moving her swimmerets. Is that normal shrimp behavior? I found the eggs maybe 2 weeks ago so I can’t imagine she is pregnant again?
im starting to worry about her
Hiding is fairly normal, especially around moult time. I never know how many cherry shrimp I have because for every 1 I can see there are another 3-4 that I can't. Moving the swimmerets constantly is normal when they are carrying eggs to keep the water moving over them ( and they are pretty active even when they aren't).

In case you didn't know, when she is carrying the eggs they are actually outside her body. I have never seen one drop its eggs so that could have been caused by a stressful event. I have also never had just one, so I don't know if they produce eggs in the absence of a male to fertilise them - but if they are sterile I guess she would have to get rid of them. Do you have a picture of the one you think is an amano?
Thank you for your reply! I’m so new at this so I have been trying to learn as much as I can
I have seen them hide after they moult but it usually isnt for this long. Attached is the picture of the other shrimp when I first got him and I attached a picture of the mystery eggs. Lol my local fish store thought snail eggs but I don’t have any snails.


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If females drop their eggs, they should fall independtly all over the tank. They shouldn’t stay in a clump. The eggs will be tiny egg shaped and either green or yellow. Do you have snails? A female can only be berried (carrying eggs) if a male fertilizes them. Amani and red cherry can not breed together. Amano shrimp are very difficult to breed.
Ok so I figured out it was probably my Otto fish eggs. My guess is since I don’t have a male they weren’t fertilized and she eventually ate them. I am still worried about my cherry shrimps behavior since she has never hidden from me before but maybe something spooked her?

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