Sold to me as Endlers.

Linda N

Fish Fanatic
Dec 7, 2018
Reaction score
Bosque Farms NM
I apologize for the poor picture quality - probably too poor to make an identification. The 2 yellow fish were sold to me as Endlers - I have 5 other Endlers in this 10 gallon tank, along with some Pygmy cories, dwarf Rasboras, at least 1 red cherry shrimp (could be others that I just never see) and a bunch of snails. The 2 yellow ones are twice the size of the other Endlers and coloration is totally different. I looked at pictures of different types of Endlers and didn't find any with this coloration. Might they be guppies? I am not breeding them - no female Endlers or guppies in the tank. I'm just curious. And one picture is just of the whole tank.
maybe endler.jpg
10 gallon .jpg
maybe endler.jpg
10 gallon .jpg
maybe endler.jpg
10 gallon .jpg
endler.jpg maybe endler.jpg 10 gallon .jpg
All the endlers sold in shops are endler guppy hybrids - you have to go to a specialist breeder to get pure endlers. It could be that the yellow ones have more guppy in their ancestry than usual.
These blonde ones are the blonde equivelant of the black bar endler. But it´s a hybrid version. These blonde ones have been on the market for so many years now. But it seems that they´re less popular in comparison to the regular black bar endler. Why that is, I don´t know. But it´s a personal preference wether one likes this variation or not of course.
It's funny that the two yellow ones hang with each other and the other 5 original Endlers hang with the original group. No interaction between the two batches. But the dwarf rasboras hang with the original batch of Endlers. The two yellow ones are always together.

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