Its been a while since I posted. After the ick incident and I losing most of the fish everything seems to be doing well..... i have 2 loaches, 2 tetras that survived the ordeal. One adult female guppy that I now call moma blue (for a very good reason) not sure how many shrimp it's a 29 gallon planted tank with a nice planted attach drift wood. I added 3 saphire shrimp (I seen all 3 recently think one might be berries...) 5 bloody Mary's (seen only 1 lately.....) it's my 1st live plants aquarium. Anyways MoMA blue had 2 batches of fry and I'm 100% sure she didn't eat any.... I have a 1st batch that's about an inch now and lol newborns. The newborns arent hiding infact they seem happy to swim around in the opening.... is this normal? Or is it because the plants and me feedings good quality food keeping the bigger fish full? Oh the filter a good one it's for 29 gallon to 60.