Bully barbs


Fish Aficionado
Jun 2, 2019
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B64FEA12-B180-49B4-947E-75F0183A9ECE.jpeg 8638AF43-5CF4-4E69-8ACB-E374FF7006EE.jpeg I have a 125 litre tank with ten tiger barbs and nine false Julii corydoras which have been together for 6 or 7 weeks. The corys have a bit of fin damage and are possibly a bit more sedentary lately. Yesterday I saw a tiger nip a Cory and today I saw 2 tigers chasing and nipping a Cory. This is not at feeding time. Do I need to permanently separate the two species? I don’t know if the corys are struggling so are easy targets or are being picked on so are struggling?

I don’t have a suitable tank and don’t want another tank (space, money, maintenance) but if I need one will a 40 litre be big enough for 9 corys?

GH 139ppm, KH 80ppm, pH 7.4, Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrates 10-20. 50% water changes weekly.
I don't know too much about tiger barbs, but I have heard that the more you have the nicer they will be to other species (someone correct me if this is wrong). Maybe you could try adding to your school? Good luck!
You need to separate them ASAP. Bullying behaviour as you describe is very serious to the fish picked on, about as bad as it gets second to being chased with a net. It will cause stress that cannot be seen externally until it is too late.

As for the 40 liter (10 gallon) and cories, short term yes but not long-term. As the cories grow they need much more space. But for the time being, I'm sure they would welcome this with gratitude.

My suggestion would be to get rid of the Tiger Barbs, as with the barbs you are seeing the only fish you will ever have in that tank. TB sometimes leave substrate fish alone, but obviously not here, and you have done what you should/could in the group of ten and the tank size. A group of 10-12 in a 30g tank is absolute minimum for TB with no other fish.

However, if you want the TB on their own for the next several years, then getting rid of the cories is the alternative.
You need to separate them ASAP. Bullying behaviour as you describe is very serious to the fish picked on, about as bad as it gets second to being chased with a net. It will cause stress that cannot be seen externally until it is too late.

As for the 40 liter (10 gallon) and cories, short term yes but not long-term. As the cories grow they need much more space. But for the time being, I'm sure they would welcome this with gratitude.

My suggestion would be to get rid of the Tiger Barbs, as with the barbs you are seeing the only fish you will ever have in that tank. TB sometimes leave substrate fish alone, but obviously not here, and you have done what you should/could in the group of ten and the tank size. A group of 10-12 in a 30g tank is absolute minimum for TB with no other fish.

However, if you want the TB on their own for the next several years, then getting rid of the cories is the alternative.
Thank you, I knew this wasn't a 'phase'. :no: I will set up a QT now then look at getting another tank /think where to put it as I don't want to get rid of the fish either! The tigers are beautiful little sods, and the corys deserve a peaceful home.
I don't know too much about tiger barbs, but I have heard that the more you have the nicer they will be to other species (someone correct me if this is wrong). Maybe you could try adding to your school? Good luck!
Thanks, I heard that too but they are only half grown right now so more than a couple more could overstock this tank. You're definitely right If the school was less than six.
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A group of 10-12 in a 30g tank is absolute minimum for TB with no other fish.
@Byron , can I just check did you mean 'minimum' here? If yes, what would be the maximum? Thanks.
P.S. Finally got the last cory out today, he was fast and great at hiding!
@Byron , can I just check did you mean 'minimum' here? If yes, what would be the maximum? Thanks.

Minimum here means that anyone intending to have Tiger Barbs needs a group of 10-12 (or more) and this group needs an aquarium of at least 30 gallons. If you want more TB, you could have more in this sized tank, or a larger tank. If you want other species in with the TB, the tank must be larger than the 30g which will only accomodate a group of TB.

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