I think I'm happy now...


Jul 27, 2019
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The 110 litre tank has been up and running for a while now but it's taken this long for me to be happy with it. I may still adjust some things but for the most part I think I've finished changing things in it.
There are 13 CPD and 6 Kubotai rasbora in there along with 4 blue shrimp. 3 more Kubotai will be going in soon as I found another 3 hiding in a display tank at my local Maidenhead that they'd forgotten about.
Looks great. We're happy you're happy :)
Space for plenty more of those species :D. How do the CPD cope with the high activity of the kubotai? Mine were in with CPD in the store but separate tanks at home.
They ignore each other mostly. The CPD tend to occupy the lower area and around the driftwood whereas the Kubotai are usually on the filter side and high up plus it's usually the CPD that annoy the Kubotai before being put back in their place for a bit. On the whole though it's pretty peaceful.
Just going to keep going into the local Maidenhead because both times I've been in recently I've found ones they'd forgotten about/ a staff member had moved tanks without telling anyone.
Very nice tank! :)
nice tank...you should consider entering it in our Tank of the Month contest. Next contest starts on December 1st.
Just picked up the other 3 Kubotai, he saw us walk in so got them bagged up ready, went to pay and he only charged a fiver for them so £12 for all 6, quite pleased with that since they're normally 6 for £15 from there.
Now I've put the light on I can see why I was only charged a fiver for them, skinny pale little things they are. The tank they were in was rounded so it magnified them and they looked bigger and rounder than they actually are and I'm guessing if they'd forgotten they were in there it might have been a while since they were last fed.
Some more photos and a few of the new additions.


Which novolux tubes? They come in white, red and blue. (White is 6500K, red is 2700K, Juwel's website doesn't give a K rating for blue)
Which novolux tubes? They come in white, red and blue. (White is 6500K, red is 2700K, Juwel's website doesn't give a K rating for blue)

I have the white as that was the one that came with the tank.
Byron will correct me if I am wrong but I think the K rating for the white tubes is good for plants.

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