Egg for guppy fry?


Fish Crazy
Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 23, 2018
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Has anyone had any luck, or have tried, feeding guppy fry hard boiled egg yolk? I saw a video on how to make fry food and all they did was mix egg yolk with water and I kinda want to try it. I’ve recently adopted 4 guppy fry and I’m still waiting on fry from my other female (I’ll post a picture of her) and I think this feeding method would be more efficient for more than just a few fry.


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Using egg yolk is fairly messy and not fun at all, if you have a petco/big box pet store nearby that sells fish they should have a frozen fishfood section/cooler. They have frozen baby brine shrimp which you can thaw in a cup of tank water and use a turkey baster to sort of shoot it into the water next to the fry. Or a pipette, I use a small turkey baster when I raised mollies way back. I've seen "baby brine shrimp egg kits" where, supposedly, you can hatch and raise your own brine shrimp and feed live but I've never personally used this so I can't vouch for it. You could also try Hikari first bites, its a fish food product my Uncle has had success with.

These are the products I'm talking about.

Ah, ok, thank you!
Guppy fry will take normal flake food crushed up so I'd stick to that rather than make things more complicated (and messy!) for yourself..
I've tried the Hikari First Bites pictured above for guppy fry. They seem to do okay with it. Growth rates better feeding live baby brine shrimp, but there is always that trade-off between convenience and 'best'. Personally, since I'm not developing a line of guppies or anything, the powdered food is fine.

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