Are these Guppies Pregnant?


Fish Fanatic
May 22, 2019
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Hi all, I haven't been back here in a while. My dad and I decided to start anew and we have four guppies (all female) in the tank which were on sale at the lfs. Something doesn't look right with them though, most if not all appear to have bloated bellies, and apparently according to google they're pregnant? I would like confirmation though as well just to make sure we return them. The tank isn't enough to accommodate all the possible fry (10 gallons) and the fact that if all the guppies are pregnant and give birth, the tank will be overstocked. Can you guys please confirm if they are? Thank you. :)


  • 20191101_170234.jpg
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Were the female guppies in the same shop tank with males? If there were any males in the shop tank, all the females in the tank will be pregnant. And they will be storing sperm so they can continue having fry every month for up to 6 months.

The only way you'll be able to get non-pregnant females is if you find a supplier who separates the male fry as soon as they become obviously male, and keeps them separate at all times.

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