Killifish ! Killifish!

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Take the male out and put him in another tank. Do a huge water change but no gravel clean, then wait. You might have eggs in there that will hatch in a couple of weeks.

Check the tank water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, etc. Fish don't just die for no reason.
:rip: I’m so sorry. I was looking forward to baby killi photos. Maybe there are some eggs in there already like Colin suggested.
Yeah, it is a drag. But, I'm waiting for a reply e-mail from my Killifish lady in Phoenix. Maybe I can squeak this out. @Colin_T I will definitely do what you said. I am grasping at every straw at my disposal. Now, the funny thing is that I had done a 75 percent water change Friday afternoon. The male is robust, colorful, healthy and ravenous for all food. Now what I didn't mention. I had a large piece of driftwood in there with a few sharp poky ends on it. After I had them for about four or five days the female started acting funny. She kept to herself and was somewhat listless. Also wouldn't eat. I noticed a small wound on her upper body behind the dorsal fin and her scales in that area were protruding outward slightly. This went on for a few days and then, just like it never happened, she was her old self. Swimming happily, eating like a hog and just generally being a nice fish. The Friday afternoon water change and then she croaked on me Saturday morning. Bummer. I sure hope I hear from Sarah.
I am a very lucky boy. My Killifish lady is mailing 2 pairs of Fundulopanchax gardneri Rayfield and one pair of Pachypanchax playfairii this week. I should have them by Friday. She's using a heat pack in the shipping box and temperatures for me this week are nice autumn temperatures. I dodged a speeding bullet and thank you very much to Sarah Walker at SJ Aquatics. Have I learned a lesson ? You bet your boots I have. Stay tuned.
I am a very lucky boy. My Killifish lady is mailing 2 pairs of Fundulopanchax gardneri Rayfield and one pair of Pachypanchax playfairii this week. I should have them by Friday. She's using a heat pack in the shipping box and temperatures for me this week are nice autumn temperatures. I dodged a speeding bullet and thank you very much to Sarah Walker at SJ Aquatics. Have I learned a lesson ? You bet your boots I have. Stay tuned.
you are a very lucky boy lol
Pachypanchax playfairii was my first killifish I got some from a friend back in July 1992 I can remember him showing me a row of margarine tubs with different fish eggs, another killifish that I can remember getting from him aphyosemion australe another very nice looking fish and is still popular today/ I've not seen Pachypanchax playfairii for a very long time.
good luck with the shipment and hope all goes well
Yes, I am looking forward eagerly to the playfairii . They are fairly large as adults and their water requirements match my tap water perfectly. Australe are on my list of fish I want as well as Aphyosemion bittaeniatum.
Aphyosemion bittaeniatum is another one that I've kept in the past they do well in a higher temperature 78f
Epiplatys annulatus ( Rocket / Clown Killifish a favourite of mine it can be difficult to get established and breed. I can remember 25 years ago going to a fish show and as with many of the shows have a sales table I bought two pairs and ask advice on how to breed them my pH is 7.6, so he's advice was to set up the tank and a quarter of it to be rainwater I done as he said and within no time they had spawned I grew them on into young adults and put them into a fish show and got first place in the breeders class ,

I still use the same method when breeding many egg layers I spawned a pair of cherry barbs yesterday and eggs of hatch today and last week emperor tetras and many others
Aphyosemion bittaeniatum is another one that I've kept in the past they do well in a higher temperature 78f
There seems to be the exception to the rule. It seems most Killies prefer cooler water but I have heard of warmer water ones without any mention of specifics. Thank you for that information on the bittaeniatum. As that is a fish I want I will remember that.
Yes indeed, the Clown Killifish is a gem.
Wow ! What a couple of days. Spent most of yesterday cruising pet shops and picking things up. Set up my 20 gallon for the incoming Pachypanchax playfairii and rearranged everything else. The fish came today and they are settling in nicely. My lone male from the previous pair of gardneri is much larger than the two new arrivals so he is in solitary for now. Amazing how much he grew in 3 weeks. The other two pairs are in separate tanks and the playfairii disappeared into the 20 gallon. They are quite young, only about 3/4 inch long but sex is clearly discernible. This killifish hobby is going to consume me. She who must be obeyed wonders if I will ever come out of that room. Maybe at supper time.
I was wondering where you’ve been. Need new pics, please . :)

Pictures are getting incrementally better.


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