Neon tetra has black growth on face


Passionate about fish and their care
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Oct 9, 2019
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My neon has a black growth on his "upper lip" it looks pretty solid and doesn't seem to bug him too much not sure what to do
Hi and welcome,
Can you post a photo please?
Also please let us know the tank size, how long it's been set up, how long you've had the neon, when the symptoms started, what other fish you have and test results for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, GH, KH, temperature... Thank you.
Hi juicebox! It’s me 24cgoldfish! Are you still having problems?
I put him in the hospital tank with my other neon being treated, the growth seems to be slowly getting smaller but I can't tell for sure. It's a 55 gallon, has been set up for about 3 years, ammonia below 0.20 ppm, ph 7.2, nitrate 0, nitrate 30ppm (my kit does not have kh or gh)
I have probably had the neon for 9-10 months?
Other fish are 6 rummy nose tetras, I male betta, 3 other neons, 2 otocinclus catfish, 7 guppies and 5 mollie fry.
I first noticed when I was cleaning my tank 3 days ago.
I put him in the hospital tank with my other neon being treated, the growth seems to be slowly getting smaller but I can't tell for sure. It's a 55 gallon, has been set up for about 3 years, ammonia below 0.20 ppm, ph 7.2, nitrate 0, nitrate 30ppm (my kit does not have kh or gh)
I have probably had the neon for 9-10 months?
Other fish are 6 rummy nose tetras, I male betta, 3 other neons, 2 otocinclus catfish, 7 guppies and 5 mollie fry.
I first noticed when I was cleaning my tank 3 days ago.
Oh, and the temp is 79 f
Every thing looks good... except the ammonia. Which is odd since it’s supposedly cycled. A 30-45% water change should take care of that though. I’m glad it’s healing! The thing about neon tetras, is they’ve been inbred, selectively bred, and irresponsibly bred for so long that they come up with the most odd and random health conditions. They used to be great beginner fish, but now with all the health problems, they kinda aren’t. I hope Mr. Mustache gets better!
I totally agree with the health problems! I've never gotten a school that didn't have at least one unhealthy guy included on the bunch! I just did a large water change and it looks better now. Thanks for the advice QualityAquatics21!!!
I totally agree with the health problems! I've never gotten a school that didn't have at least one unhealthy guy included on the bunch! I just did a large water change and it looks better now. Thanks for the advice QualityAquatics21!!!

update: mr mustache man has gotten worse. he is now become really pale, and his growth has gone back to the original noticed size and he has stopped eating, even if he dosen't make it i really appreciate the help and advice!
Can you post a photo please?

Trying to identify a disease on a fish is near on impossible without a picture. Naughts asked for one a while back and I'm reiterating their request.

Any chance of a picture of the fish?
If the pictures are too big for the website, set the camera's resolution to its lowest setting and take some more. The lower resolution will make the images smaller and they should fit on this website. Check the pictures on your pc and find a couple that are clear and show the problem, and post them here. Make sure you turn the camera's resolution back up after you have taken the pics otherwise all your pictures will be small.
Trying to identify a disease on a fish is near on impossible without a picture. Naughts asked for one a while back and I'm reiterating their request.

Any chance of a picture of the fish?
If the pictures are too big for the website, set the camera's resolution to its lowest setting and take some more. The lower resolution will make the images smaller and they should fit on this website. Check the pictures on your pc and find a couple that are clear and show the problem, and post them here. Make sure you turn the camera's resolution back up after you have taken the pics otherwise all your pictures will be small.
Trying to identify a disease on a fish is near on impossible without a picture. Naughts asked for one a while back and I'm reiterating their request.

Any chance of a picture of the fish?
If the pictures are too big for the website, set the camera's resolution to its lowest setting and take some more. The lower resolution will make the images smaller and they should fit on this website. Check the pictures on your pc and find a couple that are clear and show the problem, and post them here. Make sure you turn the camera's resolution back up after you have taken the pics otherwise all your pictures will be small.

My Camera is nearly impossible to get a photo with clear details....
My Camera is nearly impossible to get a photo with clear details....
Sorry I didn't mean to post that lol... even on the smallest resolution it says it's too big?
Yay! I got it to work! His color has increased again :)


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Can you post a couple more pics from different angles?

It looks like it has tried to eat something and part of whatever it is, is sticking out of the mouth. Need more pics tho to work out what is going on.

If you can't get good pictures, try doing a 30 second video of the fish. You can put the video on YouTube and copy & paste the link here. We can go to YouTube to view it.
Check the video before you post it and make sure it clearly shows the issue.
They are quite blurry but I hope they help


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