I think I may have MTS


Jul 27, 2019
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I popped to the LFS today to pick up some bits and pieces for finishing touches to my 110 litre tank and somehow I came home with a Betta trio tank and 3 Bettas on reserve. The shop have provided me with some old filter media so should hopefully be cycled very soon. I only went in for a few more plants! Obviously then had to buy some more stuff for the new tank. The pup loved the lava pebbles, every time I turned my back another one disappeared and I fished 5 out of the dog bed where she'd squirreled them away for later. The Bettas I've got on reserve are stunning and I'd be eying this tank for a while but wasn't sure until I saw the photos of one that another member on here has and really liked it. I probably add and change a few things yet but here it is so far.
Nice tank..how large is it? What did that set you back $$. My Betta is lucky..he has a 5 gallon tank all to himself and he seems ultra comfortable in it.

Are those dividers permeable? Are they opaque?
32 litres altogether (it would be perfect if it was a bit bigger but it does mean it fits on the only free surface I could make), the dividers are black plastic with gaps at the top and bottom for water flow but the soil covers the bottom one. Filter is behind the left hand tank and the pump is behind the right hand one so the water circulates through. It was £99.99 and one of the Bettas and the old filter media included so works out to £87.99 with filter, light and heater included as well.
My other Betta has a 5 gallon that he shares with the shrimp.
It's a real problem. I keep looking at the breakfast bar thing in the kitchen which would be perfect for a big tank, it's at least 5ft across but it's too high and it would need a lot of reinforcing to support a big tank. Then I start looking at other spaces and poking things wondering if they're solid enough to support a tank.
You always find a place. I’m worried that I’ll have to downsize before I can sell my house. All you see are the tanks. I tried to talk my hubbie into letting me have half of his garage to build a fishroom. This a guy that rebuilds vintage cars. It didn’t go over well. He wants a 4 car garage. I’ve always said we didn’t need it. Maybe we do???
A Bad Case of MTS:

(Tank #1) I had stopped keeping fish about 20 years ago when I moved and lost all my fish. Then about 6 years ago I decided I needed the soothing sound of running water. I was researching indoor water falls when it dawned on me that my unused tank could provide that sound. So I set up my 35 gallon hex community tank in the recreation room man cave.

(Tank #2) Soon after setting up that tank, I noticed the opposite wall looked empty. Ah..the idea of a second tank hit me. I soon bought a 29 gallon Tiger Barb tank.

(Tank #3) A couple of years later, I thought "how nice it would be to have a tank in my office room." Soon after, I set up a 10 gallon tank which housed 5 Harlequin Rasboras, a Nerite snail, and a Betta. I thought the Betta would be fine in a community tank but turned out I was wrong...the Betta would hide all day in the plants.

(Tank #4) I only knew of one way I could solve that issue...plan B was initiated as I now had a good excuse to get another tank. I soon set up a 5 gallon in my den and the Betta is now a happy camper in his new home. And I enjoy checking out the tank as I watch tv in the den.

Now I think...wouldn't it be nice to have a tank in the kitchen...I have the perfect spot for it. Oh...how bout maybe one in the bedroom so I can look at it from the bed. Oh...maybe one in the living room on that side table. Then maybe I could put a small one in the bathroom on the top of the toilet tank.

I know I can stop..I know I can stop...I know I can stop.......
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LOL, just what I wanted to keep my Barramundi eggs in :)

My Lego tanks are bigger than that :)
are we talking about Multiple tank syndrome or Malaysian Trumpet Snails

Definitely not snails,I avoid them as much as possible whether they're the ones you buy or the ones that hitchhike in. Luckily for me only the 5g has hitchhikers, I'm gutted the Betta who is in there now doesn't eat them and I really wish he would.

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